🖤Stanlonbrough: Ashamed🖤

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Set in 2019
Age: 16/17
Mikes POV
  It's Thanksgiving time, and my aunts and cousins were supposed to come over tomorrow. I asked my mom if the losers could also attend and she happily said yes. She also knew about Bill, Stan and I and she supported us and it made me insanely happy. Ben, Bev, Richie and Eddie all went home already and Stan and Bill were getting ready to go home. We were standing by the front door saying our goodbyes.
"We'll see you tomorrow Mikey" Stan said
I smiled and he leaned up to kiss me sweetly. Bill did the same and I opened the door for them. They connected their hands and walked out.
"I love you" I called out to them
"I love you too!" They said in unison. I smiled and I closed the door. I turned around to see my mom standing behind me. I jumped a little and held a hand to my chest.
"Jeez, Ma you scared me" I said
"Sorry, you guys are just so cute, my little baby's growing up" she cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead. I rolled my eyes fondly and out of annoyance.
"Are you sure you're ok with the losers coming tomorrow, you know how we can be when we're all together" I said to her
"Yes, honey, they're your friends, and they're great, don't worry about it"
"Ok, I'm gonna go to my room" I told her
I walked upstairs and I laid down on my bed and I grabbed my phone off my nightstand. I turned it on and I saw a message from Stan in Bill, him and I's group chat.
'Sleep well ily❤️' the message read. I replied with a simple kiss face and heart emojis. I decided to just watch YouTube until I fall asleep. I connected Youtube to my TV and I just watched the videos play until I fell asleep.
Time Skip
The next morning I woke up at around 10am. My TV was off and the light was shining through from the sun from my curtains. I sat up and stretched. I stood up and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. When I finished, I came out and I got dressed. I put on a dark green shirt and black jeans, which Bill and Stan have repeatedly stated make me look extremely sexy. I went downstairs, able to smell the banana waffles my mom made me for breakfast.
"Morning" I said to my mom
"Morning Mike, and what did I say about falling asleep with
your TV on?" (a/n my mom gets mad at me about this)
"Sorry I won't do it again" I sat down at the table and she set a plate in front of me.
"Thank you" I said
I began to eat while watching TV from the living room. When I finished, I put my plate in the sink and I went back upstairs to watch some TV. I grabbed my phone and saw many messages in the losers club group chat. I chuckled at the stuff they were saying. I spent a few hours either watching TV, scrolling through instagram, and texting Stan and Bill. 
  By the time it was around 2:00, people began to show up. First came one of my aunts, my moms sister, my uncle and aunt and my little cousin, and then, the losers showed up. First it was Ben and Bev, then it was Eddie and Richie and lastly, Stan and Bill. My mom let us just hang out in the basement, since she knows we wouldn't want to be around all of the adults. When my cousins Dylan and Alex showed up, who were my age, my mom had them come downstairs with all of us too. We were all just talking, Richie being a gross fuck, Eddie hitting him in the head whenever he says something inappropriate, Ben just sitting with Bev and Bill sitting in my lap and Stan resting his head on my shoulder. Thankfully, my mom put a couch down here so we didn't have to sit on the floor. Over time, Alex and Dylan were beginning to annoy me. They were being disrespectful to my friends calling Richie a crackhead, and they called Eddie a midget. I couldn't really do anything, but tell them to shut the hell up. It's around 6 o clock and they should be leaving in an hour.
"Hey Mike?"
"Yes?" I responded annoyed
"Which one of these dudes are you with? They've been attached to you all night. He was referencing to Stan who is now laying his head in my lap and Bill who was just sitting next to me.
"I'm with both of them" I replied easily
Alex chuckled like it was a joke. "Really? All the girls I know who must be lining for you, and you settle for these guys, wow"
Oh hell no.
Stan and Bill both got up and they went upstairs.
"What the hell is the matter with you?!" I yelled at the,
"Mike calm down it was a joke" Dylan said
"No I don't give a shit if it was a joke or not, you don't say shit about them, or my friends. I'm tired of you both, fuck you guys"
I got up and ran upstairs after them. They would've most likely gone to my room. So I went upstairs and I went to my room. My door was closed and when I opened it, there they were sitting on my bed, in each other's embrace. I noticed they were both crying. I closed the door behind me and I walked to go sit on the bed. I sat in front of them and they wouldn't look at me.
"I'm so sorry for what they said" I told them
"Why, it's true isn't it" Stan said
"Baby no it it's not"
"Why did you choose us Mike? With all the other people who would die to date you" Bill said
"Because, I don't want them" I reached out and wiped away their tears. "I want you two. I fell in love with you both, I don't want anyone else, you two are my entire world and you know that will never change"
I moved so I was sitting in between them.
"So you're not ashamed of us?" Bill asked
"Of course not" i replied "I would never be ashamed of you"
  I wrapped my arms around them both and I pulled them into my sides.
"Sorry for walking out, we just couldn't handle it" Stan told me
"Don't apologize I don't blame you, what they said was wrong" I told him
I felt him and Bill kiss my cheeks and I smiled.
"You're amazing" Bill told me
"So are you, you're both amazing"
Suddenly the door was opened and my mom walked in.
"What's going on here?" She asked
"They just needed some cheering up" I told her
"Are you guys ok?" She asked
"Yes" Bill said
"Ok, well your aunts and cousins left, just to let you know"
She smiled at us and she walked out.
"You sure you guys are ok?" I asked
"Positive, you're here with us, why wouldn't we be? Stan said
"Flatterers" I muttered and we chuckled.


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