💙Elmax: Hurt💙

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Set in 2019 (don't worry I'll do a oneshot set in the 80s-90s soon I promise)
⚠️MENTIONS OF BULLYING AND VIOLENCE ⚠️ sorry it gets angsty, also the whole lab thing didn't happen and El was adopted at birth by Hopper.

  I walked into Hawkins High School and that's when I saw her. From what I hear her name is El, but some of the teachers call her Jane. I guess it's a nickname or something. She had on a huge navy blue hoodie with light blue denim shorts and she kept her head down. She turned down the hall. I don't know why but I wanted to she where she was going. I looked down the hall and saw her with these two girls. I recognized them. I had each of them in at least one of my classes. Their names were Jennifer and Stacy. (a/n I asked somebody for the bitchiest names they know and they suggested those, so thanks to that person). They were talking to El, but she looked miserable. Then they got close to her and they began to shove El. She fell to the floor and her bag fell off her back and Stacy kicked it away. My eyes widened, what the hell did she ever do to them. I've never even heard El speak, I doubt she did something to them. I wasn't gonna sit here and watch this.
"Hey!" I yelled and all three of them looked at me. El looked like she was genuinely scared. "What the hell are you doing?" I said
"This doesn't concern you" Jennifer said
"Now it does because you were hurting her" I snapped back.
"What're you gonna do huh? Go tell a teacher, like they give a shit" Stacy said. I took off my bag and set it on the floor.
"No, I'm gonna punch your face in bitch" I said walking up to her.
"Try it"
I wasted no time. I raised my fist and it collided with her face. She stumbled back and looked at me with a shocked expression.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She said
"I don't like bullies" I told her.
Jennifer just stood there, not even trying to help Stacy.
"You stupid bitch, you gave me a nosebleed" Stacy said
"That was the fucking point you dumbass hoe" I yelled. She grabbed Jennifer's arm while still holding her hand to her nose and they walked away. I looked at El and she looked shocked. I grabbed her hand and I pulled her up.
"W-why d-did you help m-me?" She stammered out.
"Because no one deserves to be treated like that." I told her. I leaned down and grabbed her bag and gave it to her and she took it.
"Thank you" she said softly. My chest felt all fluttery all of a sudden, but I ignored it.
"No problem" I leaned down and grabbed my bag as well.
"Hey, I wanted to ask, I always see you alone, do you not have any friends?" I asked her. She shook her head no.
"No, I'm not good at making friends" she said
"Well, now you have one. I'm also friends with some other people I think you'll wanna meet."
She smiled and nodded.
"Ok, do you wanna sit with us at lunch?" I asked her.
"Ok, what class do you have before lunch?"
"Ms. Jacobs"
"Oh, it's right next door to my class. Just wait for me outside the door ok?" She nodded.
"Wait I don't know your name" she said
"It's Max" I told her. The bell rang signaling class was beginning.
"See you later El" I told her walking to my class.
Time Skip to Lunch
When lunch finally came, I walked outside the classroom, and there stood El.
"Hey" I said "Ready to go?"
She nodded in response. We walked to the cafeteria and I saw all of my friends sitting at our usual table. We walked up to them and they all looked at us.
"Hey guys, this is El. El this is Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin" I said introducing everyone. They all greeted her and we sat down. I sat next to Will and El sat next to me. Mike had his arm around Will, and Will had his head on Mikes shoulder. They were so cute together. I'm pretty sure Dustin and Lucas have a thing for each other, but I'm just waiting for them to confirm it. Out of all of them, Will was closest with me. We're like brother and sister and I tell him everything.
"I've never heard you speak before" Dustin said towards El.
"Dustin!" I exclaimed
"What?" He said like nothing was wrong.
I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. I saw Stacy and Jennifer walked by and they saw us. They glared at us and I just flipped them off.
"SLUT" Jennifer called out to me. I just rolled my eyes.
"Real original" I mumbled.
"What the hell was that about?" Lucas said
I told them the whole situation, after asking El if it was ok.
"Wow, that's terrible" Mike said
"I know" I replied. I looked over at El who was looking at her lap.
"Hey" I said softly. I took her hand in mine. "Are you ok?" I asked her.
El's POV
  I felt like I could really trust Max. I know it's only been a few hours, but she has been great to me. Stacy and Jennifer found out that I was a lesbian and they began to torment me. Everyone thinks they're these perfect angels, but they are fucking monsters.
"Can I talk to you privately?" I asked her. She nodded and we stood up.
"We'll be right back" Max said to her friends. They were really nice too. We walked towards the girls bathroom. When we got there, Max check in each of the stalls to make sure we were alone.
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked her.
"Because you seem nice and what those bitches did to you was wrong"
I didn't say anything. "Why did they do that to you anyways?" She asked. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"They found out I was a lesbian" I told her. Her eyes widened a bit.
"Oh wow, they're bigger bitches than I thought" she said and I chuckled a bit.
"I don't know what I am yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm bi" she said
"Good for you" I said smiling softly. Max was really pretty. Her eyes were really blue and her hair, red and fiery. Out of nowhere, I hugged her. She hugged back and held me tightly.
"Thank you" I said softly to her.
"For what?" She said
"Just being there for me"
She smiled and I smiled too. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. She blushed and I giggled.
"Do you wanna hang out sometime?" She asked me.
"I'd love that"


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