❤️Reddie: Younger❤️

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Set in 2019
Age: 15/17
Third Person POV
   Eddie and Stan Kaspbrak are brothers. They have the same father but different mothers. Frank Kaspbrak had Stan with a woman named Andrea and he had Eddie with a woman named Sonia. Both women didn't wanna be in their children's lives so Frank was a single dad, and a pretty damn good one at that. Stan was 17, and Eddie was 15 soon to be 16.
  Both of his sons were in the LGBT community with Stan being bi and Eddie being gay. Stan was dating Mike and Bill and Eddie was a cross dresser.
   Eddie and Stan has mostly the same friends, but there was one person Stan tried to keep away from Eddie, Richie Tozier. Richie Tozier was a loud trashmouth who made wayyyy too many sexual innuendos, and your mom jokes. Richie wasn't a bad or dangerous person, not at all, he was actually one of the best friends you could have because he would always be the person to make sure you were ok and always a shoulder to cry on.
  But to Stanley Uris, he doesn't want his little brother to be corrupted by the Tozier curse he calls Richie, little did he know.
Eddies POV
  "Richieee, stop" I said as Richie had his arms wrapped around me as he kept kissing my cheek as I was trying to do my homework.
"Come on Eds, you know you love my kisses" he replied
"I do, but I'm trying to focus" I told him
Richie and I have been secretly seeing each other for about a month now and we've been as careful as we could be to make sure Stan didn't find out.
"Then why'd you invite me over?" He asked me
"So we could at least spend a little bit of time together before Stan gets home from practice" I told him
  I felt him kiss the back of my head which made me smile.
"I really wish we could be public" he mumbled
"I know, but I don't wanna risk Stan finding out and your friendship might be ruined and he might begin to treat me like a kid again"
"I know" Richie sighed and rested his head on mine
Since Richie is a Senior and I'm a Junior, we don't have any classes together and we have different lunch periods, so whenever we think we can get some time alone, we take advantage.
There are times where we be a little risky. For example, about two weeks later, Stan and Richie were having a sleepover since Richies parents were going on a trip and they didn't trust him home alone yet after a massive party he threw a few months back which resulted and half the house being destroyed.
I went downstairs to get some water before I went to bed and when I went downstairs, I saw Richie at the counter pouring his own drink, shirtless. I stopped in my tracks and I couldn't take my eyes off his bare torso. Richie looked up at me and he smirked.
"Hey Eds" he said
"H-hi Rich" I stuttered out
"What's wrong? You seem distracted" he said walking up to me taking a sip of his drink
"Fuck you" I snapped
"Maybe later babe, Stan is right upstairs and we all know you can't be quiet" he told me
  He walked away and I felt him slap my ass before he walked back upstairs. I felt my cheeks heat up and I went to get my glass of water and I went back to my room and fell asleep.
  It was about three months before we knew Stan would find out eventually. Richie and I were hanging out in my room and Stan came home earlier than we expected. They were arguing in the middle of my room and I just watched them.
"He's my little brother Richie what the fuck?!" Stan exclaimed
"I didn't expect for this to happen it just did" Richie replied
"How long has this been going on?"
"Three months" Richie mumbled
"THREE MONTHS?" Stan yelled
"Yes, Stanley three months, why are you so upset about this?" I spoke up
"Stay out of this Eddie" Stan said
"Why are you mad?" Richie asked Stan
"Just, he's my little brother and you're, Richie" he said
"Oh, so if age is an issue does he know about Bill?" Richie said and my eyes widened. Bill was my best friend and he was also a junior.
"What about Bill?" I asked
"He's dating Stan" Richie said
"Shut up you asshole" Stan said shoving Richie back
"I still don't see the big deal" Richie said "If you think age is an issue, why are you with Eddies best friend?" Richie asked him
"I-it's not that" Stan said
"Then what is it?" Eddie said
Stan just looked up at the ceiling.
"Eddie, I just don't want you to get your heartbroken when he goes off to college soon" Stan said
"I'm not gonna get my heart broken" I told him
"You don't know that" Stan said
"Yes I do"
"Eddie-" Stan started but I cut him off
"Stan" I stood up and walked over to them "Can you please just have a little bit of faith in us?" I said wrapping my arms around Richies torso.
He wrapped his arms around me and I looked up at him. "I love him" I said not looking away from Richie. Richie grinned looking down at me. "I love you too" Richie said softly
I looked back at Stan while resting my head on Richies chest.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry for overreacting" Stan said "Richie I swear to god if you hurt him I will rip your dick off"
"I promise you, I will never" Richie said


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