💚Byler: Haircut💚

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Set in 2019
Mikes POV
I haven't heard from Will all afternoon. After school he seemed to be in a rush to get home. It was almost 5 o' clock and I was kind of getting worried. Did something happen? Is he hurt? I tried texting Will again but he didn't respond. I decided to call El since she might know where he is. Since Hopper and Joyce got married, they became siblings and they lived together. I grabbed my phone and pulled up her contact. I dialed her number and put the phone on speak since I don't like holding it up to my ear.
(BOLD-El Italic-Mike)
"Hello?" She answered
"Hey El I was wondering if you know where Will is? I haven't heard from him all afternoon"
"Uh, no sorry, I'm with Max right now"
El and Max have been together for almost a year now. At first she didn't like her when she saw us in the gym that day, but eventually they became friends, and then they fell in love.
"Ok, thanks anyway"
I hung up the phone and I tossed it on my bed. I fell back onto my bed with a groan. I heard the doorbell ring. Since I was the only one home, I got up to answer it. I went downstairs and I opened the door. Behind it stood Will...with a new haircut. (a/n just picture how Noah's hair is now)
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped a little.
"Hi Mike" he said
"H-Hey" I stammered out.
"Oh come in" I said moving out the way so he could walk into the house. I closed the door behind us and turned to him.
"You cut your hair" I said as if it wasn't obvious.
"Yeah I did, do you not like it?" He asked
"No, no, no baby I love it, it looks great" I said quickly. He smiled up and me. He's so adorable. I cupped his face in my hands and I connected our lips softly. He smiled against my lips and giggled softly when I pulled away.
"You scared me you know" I said to him
"How?" He asked
"You didn't talk to me all afternoon and you rushed to leave school, I got worried"
"I'm sorry" he leaned up and kissed my cheek and a small smile appeared on my face.
"It's ok" I kissed his forehead "I love you" I told him
"I love you too"


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