💖Benverly: Everyday💖

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Age: 19
Bens POV
When I turned 17, my aunt let me begin working in her coffee shop that she owns and I love it. Yeah there are some rude customers like how every place is but it doesn't discourage me. I walked into the cafe after school and I went in the back to put on my apron and waited until my shift began.
  When it began, I stood behind the counter and took peoples orders and made their drinks. Today was a slow day, it was mostly empty. I was behind the counter on my phone when I heard the bell from the front door. I looked up and I saw this girl walk in. She was gorgeous. Bright red hair, ocean blue eyes, oh my god.
  She walked up to the counter and flashed a smile at me.
"Hi, can I get an ice coffee with 6 sugars please?" She said
"Uh, yeah" I rang up her order "That will be $1.75"
She handed me a five dollar bill and I handed her the change. She smiled at me again and I smiled back and went to go make her drink. I handed her the beverage and our hands touched and a wave of happiness flowed through me.
"Thank you" She said
"Your welcome"
  The next day, she came back and ordered the same thing. Ice coffee with 6 sugars. Everyday I would see that amazing smile I began to fall in love with.
I told Mike and Eddie about her and they were telling me to go for it.
"I don't even know her name" I told them while we were sitting in the break room.
"She's been coming here for 2 weeks straight and you don't know her name?" Eddie said
"I never thought to ask, I get nervous" I said
"Look she's coming in soon, you should ask her" Eddie said
"I can't, like all of a sudden after two weeks I ask her for her name when she orders her drink?" I said
Mike sighed and stood up and left. Eddie and I watched him go.
"Ben, come on, you can do it, you're nice, you're handsome" Eddie said
"Don't let Richie hear you say that" I said cutting him off
"Haha, but you can do this" he told me
Mike walked back in the room.
"Her name is Beverly and she said that if you wanted to know her name, just ask her next time" he said and I blushed a deep red.
The next day, the cafe was empty once again. As much as I love it here, I don't know how it's still in business.
Once again, Beverly walked in.
"Hi" she said
"Hey" I said "The usual?" I asked her
She handed me a five and I gave her the change. I stepped away and made her drink and I handed it to her.
"You know, I've been coming here everyday hoping you would talk to me but you never do" she told me
"Oh, um I'm sorry but you make me kinda nervous" I told her
"Oh really?" She said and I chuckled and nodded.
"Well, maybe, we should go out sometime so you can maybe not be nervous around me?" She said then sipping her coffee.
"Uh, yeah, I'd like that"
"Ok, you have any paper?" She asked me
  I nodded and just handed her a piece of an old receipt and a pen.
She wrote on the paper and handed it to me.
"Here's my number, text me sometime Ben" she said
"I will"
She smiled and winked at me and left. 
I looked down at the paper and I smile wide.
"Fucking finally!" I heard Eddie y'all and I whipped my head around to glare at him.
"Shut up"
I said while chuckling.


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