💖Benverly: Accident Pt.4💖

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Age: 17
Bens POV
  Beverly is around 5 months now and her bump is now at a point where it's getting harder to hide. When she went to school, she would often wear my sweatshirts because they were huge on her and no one would notice. But now it's getting more hotter, it being almost May, I told her she's gonna have a heat stroke if she continues to wear them. Right now I was trying to convince her to go to school.
"No, I'm not going" she told me
"Bev please, it's gonna be ok, you won't be alone"
I sighed and slightly shook my head.
"Ok, listen, if today doesn't go how about I talk to my mom about finishing the rest of the year online?" I suggested
She just looked at me for a few moments.
"Fine" she got up and began to get dressed. I smile softly and kissed her cheek. "I love you" I told her
She smiled softly. "I love you too"
                  Time Skip
  The day was going well so far. Everyone just finished their morning classes and all the losers were walking to go get lunch. I saw that Beverly bumped into someone. When I looked and saw who she bumped into I panicked. It was Henry Bowers.
"Shit Marsh, how long did you think you could hide it for?" He said smirking at her
"Fuck you, get away from me" she said
"I always knew you were a slut but I didn't think you'd go and get yourself pregnant" he said
  I just saw red. I walked over and I shoved him against the lockers hard. He went to push me back but I shoved him again.
"Do not call her a slut just because she slept with she loves" I yelled at him
"It's the truth isn't it?" Henry spat
"Call her a slut again and I'll kill you with the knife you own you understand?" I told him
He just glared at me and I walked away from him. He didn't say anything after that and he just walked away like nothing happened. I looked at the losers and they all looked at me with their eyes wide and their jaws dropped.
"What?" I asked
"Oh my god Benny that was amazing" Bev squealed. She wrapped hers arms around my neck and kissed me.
"Damn Benny Boy I didn't think you had it in ya" Richie said
"Anything to protect Bev" I said
Time Skip
When we got home, I asked Bev if she wanted to continue to go to school or finish online.
"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked her once we sat down on my bed.
"I think I'm gonna continue to go. We only have a month left, I might as well finish"
"Ok. Also tomorrow we find out the gender, you excited?"
"Yes, I hope it's a boy" she said
"I want a girl" I told her
"We'll see"
Time Skip
The next day, was our appointment to find out the baby's gender. Bev was at 20 weeks and you could find out at around 18 weeks, but the baby was positioned in a way where we couldn't tell. We both got showered and dressed. I drove us to the doctors and soon, Bev was on the exam table and the doctor was ready to show us our baby.
"This will be cold" The doctor said about the gel she poured onto Bevs stomach. I felt Bev shiver a bit and the doctor held the device to her stomach. She moved it around her stomach and a strong thumping sound could be heard around the room.
"Strong heartbeat, seems to be developing very nicely, would you like to know the gender?" She said
"Yes please"
"Alright you'll be having a



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