❤️Reddie: Leave With Me❤️

992 23 15

Age: 41
Richies POV
   Richie was sitting beside Eddies hospital bed, after he was stabbed in the sewers. He was so happy that he didn't die down there. He had gotten out of surgery a few hours ago and he still hasn't woken up yet. He was holding Eddies hand and leaned his forehead on his arm. He just wanted Eddie to wake up.
A coupled hours later, Eddie opened his eyes slowly. He saw the bright lights of the hospital room and he groaned softly and moved his head to the saw and saw Richies.
"R-Rich?" He said softly
Richies head snapped up. "E-Eds? You're awake" he grinned
Eddie smiled weakly "did we kill IT?"
He nodded "yeah, Eds, we did"
Eddie smiled softly "good, I don't think I can do that again when I'm 70"
He chuckled "we won't have to I promise. How are you feeling?"
"I'm pretty sure I'm doped up on something, so I'm fine"
Richie smiled softly at him. "I'm glad"
Eddie smiled at him back "how come you stayed?" He asked Richie
"How could I leave? We were supposed to leave together" he told him softly
"You still wanna do that?"
"Hell yeah, Eds. I almost lost you twice, I'm not leaving this hell hole without you"
"Rich, I have a wife at home" he told him sadly
"That you hate, and you're gay, you can leave her"
"Please Eddie" Richie laced their hands "Please, come with me"
Eddie stares at him "I-I don't know"
Richie began tearing up "please"
Eddie began crying as well and he smiled and nodded "Ok"
Richie grinned "You will?"
"Yes Rich"
Richie smiled triumphantly "Fuck yeah!"
Eddie laughed a little
Richie smiled at him "So...what about Myra?"
Eddie looked at him "I'm divorcing her. I can't do it anymore, and I'm not going back to her"
Richie gave him a small smile and stared at him. "Marry me"
Eddies eyes snapped wide "w-what?"
"Marry me"
"Are y-you serious?" Eddie asked
"Why not?"
"I-I'm not even divorced yet"
"We can wait until you do get divorced. Come on Eds, we've been dancing around our feelings for years, don't realize me we haven't. I lost you once, you almost died, E-Eddie I can't bear to live without you I can't do it"
Eddie stares at him and smiled and nodded "Yes, yes I'll marry you, as soon as the divorce is final, I'm marrying you"
Richie grinned and he stood up and leaned down to kiss him.
Eddie smiled against his lips and Richie pulled away first and leaned his forehead on Eddies. "I love you so much, I'm not letting you go, ever" he whispered
"I love you too. I'm sorry I was. Too much of a pussy to tell you my feelings when we were young" Eddie said to him
"It's not just on you, I could've said something too"
Eddie smiled and put his hand on Richies cheek and kissed him again.
Eddie was able to leave the hospital about a week or so later, and Richie was driving them out of Derry to fly back to Los Angeles. Richie decided to make a small detour.
Richie drove over to the kissing bridge to show Eddie the carving he made all those years ago.
"Why are we here?" Eddie asked him
"Come on" Richie said getting out of the car
Eddie followed him out the car and Richie grabbed his hand. He brought him over to the place he carves their initials and he crouched down to look at it and he smiled and ran two fingers over it. Eddie crouched next to him and saw the carving.
"Did you do this?" He asked Richie
"Yeah, that day Bowers got to me in the arcade" he answered
Eddie smiled and kissed his cheek "why haven't you showed me this before?"
Richie shrugged "don't know, but I never forgot about it"
Eddie looked over at the small carving he made himself. It was and R with a heart around it.
"Look over there" he told Richie "see that small heart? I made that the day we took all those photos in the photo booth"
Richie grinned. "We really could've been together all this time if we weren't being dumb"
"Yeah, you're right, but we're here now"
Richie smiled and kissed his head
"We're here now"

💕hi, I made a new oneshot, hope u like it💕

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