❤️Reddie: Date❤️

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Set in: 2019
Richies POV
"Mom!" I yelled running down the stairs and I saw her in the kitchen putting away the food she just bought.
"Yes sweetie?" She stood up and turned around to look at me
"I need your help with something" I told her
"What is it?"
"I need advice on how to ask Eddie on a date"
She furrowed her eyebrows "Aren't you two already dating?" She said
"Well yeah, but I want it to be special, and we haven't been on an actual date yet"
"Yes and I wanna ask him but i don't know how to ask him"
"Honey, just go and ask him, you don't need some huge romantic gesture to ask him out"
"Ok, thanks mom" I said running upstairs.
I went and grabbed my phone to call Eddie.
(Bold-Richie italic-Eddie)
"Hello?" He answered
"Hey Eds"
"Hi Richie" I could practically hear the eye roll from the other end of the phone. "What do you want?"
"Damn, I just can't call my sweet, adorable feisty boyfriend to say hi?"
"No, because you never call me, because we always see each other, or you always call em at night before you fall asleep, so you want something"
"Ok, I want to ask you something but I'm kinda nervous to ask"
"What is it?" He said
"Uhm, would you, wanna go on a date sometime?"
"Chee, of course I would, why were you nervous to ask me?"
"I don't know, I guess I just worried too much"
"You already know I love you, you shouldn't be nervous to ask me that"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry, just don't be nervous when it comes to me ok?"
"Ok, I love you Eds"
"Don't call me that, but I love you too"


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