💖Benverly: Hide💖

815 22 1

Age: 21
Bens POV
  I brought the dog into the house and I closed the door behind us. It was a small Maltese that followed me home today. I tried looking for its owner, but it didn't have anyone running after it, and it didn't have a collar on its neck. Bev hates dogs, but I couldn't bare to make it go away, it was so cute. Thank god she gets home after I do. I leaned down and picked the dog up and looked at him. His tail was wagging and his tongue was sticking out.
"Aww" I cooed
I set him back down on the floor and he walked around looking at his surroundings. On the way home I picked up some dog food and two bowls for him to eat and drink out of because I could tell he was malnourished. I got the food and the bowls from the bad and I set them on the floor by the counter. I opened the bad of food and I poured it into one bowl. I grabbed the other and I filled it up with water and I set it down on the floor again. He walked over to the food and sniffed it before beginning to eat it. I smiled softly and just watched him, I didn't wanna name him because I knew that would make me more attached to him and I knew we would have to get rid of him if/when Beverly finds out. When he finished he drank some of the water in the other bowl and he walked away down the hall. I followed him and he went into Bev and I's room. He jumped onto our bed and I sat on the bed with him and he walked over and laid in my lap. I played with him for a bit before I heard the front door close.  My head shot up and I panicked internally.
"Ben?" I heard Bev call out. I picked up the small dog and I quickly and quietly went to the guests room. I set the dog down on the floor in there. He looked at me confused.
"You have to be quiet no barking" I whispered to it.
  I stood up and closed the door behind me. I walked down the hall to see Bev taking off her shoes.
"Hey" I said a bit shakily. I could never lie to Bev. I'm bad at lying in general.
"Hi sweetheart" she walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "How was your day?" She asked me
"Uh, it was good" I answered her
She smiled at me and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. All of a sudden barking was hear throughout the apartment. Bev turned around and looked to see where the sound came from. My eyes went wide.
"What was that?" She asked me
"Nothing" I quickly answered
Another bark was heard, followed by another.
"Ben what the hell is that?" She said
I didn't answer and I just went down the hall. I went to the guest room and opened it and saw the dog on top of the bed sitting and when he saw me walk in he barked again. I heard Bev come behind me.
"Ben what the fuck?" She exclaimed
"Before you yell at me, let me explain" I said
"Fine" she responded
"It followed me home and look at him, he was too cute to leave him by himself"
"Ben you know I hate dogs"
"I know but Bev please? He's all alone he doesn't have an owner."
She just sighed and ran a hand through her mid length fiery red hair.
"Please?" I said
"Do you really wanna keep him?" She said
"Yeah I do"
She looked at the dog and he jumped from the bed and walked over and walked around her. He barked and put his paws on her legs, his tail wagging. She leaned down and picked it up.
"Fine we can keep him"
I smiled and I kissed her cheek.
"Thank you. You're amazing I love you" I told her
"I love you too. Did you name him?"
"I wanna call him Rocky"
"Ok. Tomorrow we'll pick up some toys and other stuff for him"
"You're amazing you know that?" I told her
She blushed a bit and smiled.
"I know you tell me everyday"


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