🖤Stanlonbrough: Prepare🖤

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OMGEAS: Stan, Eddie
ALPHAS: Mike, Bill, Bev, Richie
Age: 23/24
Third Person POV
    Stan, Mike and Bill are the one unconventional confusing triad to anyone outside of their friend group. They would be confused when they saw Stan kissing Bill one minute and then see him kiss Mike. When Stan showed up to school one day with his mates marks on his neck, everyone sort of understood at that point.
The losers all ended up in New York, all living on the same street, like a two minute walk from each other. Stan, Bill and Mike all love together, and Bev and Ben, and Richie and Eddie. Something that happened that wasn't planned at all was that Eddie, Stan and Bev all got pregnant at the same time. Even though Bev is an Alpha, she's still female so she can have kids no matter what. Eddie and Stan being Omegas, can also get pregnant since that what Omegas were initially made for, but as time went on, Omegas began to gain more rights and a lot more freedom.
There was a time in history where Omegas couldn't even leave their house without an Alpha present with them. Betas are just normal people, there aren't really any expectations of them.
  It was kinda hectic dealing with three pregnant people at the same time amongst the losers with mood swings and stuff like that, especially with the three most heated people they know.
  Throughout the week, Mike and Bill began to notice that their clothes slowly began to go missing. First it was their sweaters. It was Spring, so sweaters were the proper attire for the season.
"Billy have you seen my yellow sweatshirt?" Mike called from their room
"No" Bill called back
  He was confused, he always knew where all of his clothes were since Stan always organized them for him.
"Where the hell did it go?" He muttered
The next thing to go missing was Bills flannels. His red one and his blue one were nowhere to be found and Bill was so confused because he always wore them and he didn't know if they were being washed or what.
  Then after that it was just little things like socks and underwear. One day Bill and Mike were on the couch watching TV when Stan walked down the hall with a hand on his 5 month pregnant belly. He walked over to behind the couch and crouched down next to Mikes ear.
"Can I have the shirt your wearing?" He asked him
Mike looked at him confused.
"What? Why?"
"Please?" Stan said fake pouting
"Um ok" Mike pulled off the dark blue long sleeve shirt he was wearing leaving him in the white undershirt he had under it. Stan took the shirt and walked back down the hall.
Bill was just confused as Mike, until he put two and two together.
"It was Stan" Bill said
"What?" Mike said
"He's the one taking our stuff" Bill said
"Oh, but why?"
Bill just shrugged until he came to a realization.
"Holy shit he's nesting!" Bill exclaimed
"Wait really?" Mike asked
"Yeah, remember omegas like to make a safe space to keep their babies, well Stan is doing that with our clothes"
Bill and Mike stood up and walked down the hall trying to find where Stan was.
"Stanny?" Bill called out
There was no answer. They looked in all the rooms that they thought he would be, until they came to the unused guest room they had that they never went in and always forgot about. The door was closed like always and Mike opened the door.
  Behind the door was Stan organizing different articles of clothing. When he finished, he laid down on top of the clothes with a hand on his belly. Stan was a little bigger than normal for five months, but when they went to the doctor they always told him he was only having one pup, which was rare for omegas.
"Stanny?" Mike said softly
Stan head snapped toward them.
"Hi Alpha" he said with a small voice
Both Alphas stepped into the room.
"You made a nest" Bill said laying down next to Stan "Why didn't you tell us?"
"I wasn't finished with it" Stan replied
"You had Mike and I thinking we were going crazy with our clothes going missing" Bill said
"I'm sorry, I just wanted it to be perfect" Stan said while he felt Mike kiss his stomach
"It is perfect" Mike said "We're getting ready for our little miracles
All of them chuckled and soon they all fell asleep.


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