💖Benverly: Casanova💖

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'I'm not another Casanova'
Set in: 2019
Age: 17
Bevs POV
"He's staring again" Eddie told me
We were sitting in the lunchroom and I was with Bill, Eddie, and Stan. Richie and Bill got lunch detention and Mike is homeschooled. I looked over at the kid who transferred here a few months back. He had his notebook out in front of him with a pen in his hand and when he saw me looking at him, he ducked his head and he began writing again.
"You should go talk to him" Eddie said
I scoffed softly "No way"
"Why not? He looks like a nice guy" Eddie said
"You never know"
I don't have the best track record when it comes to boyfriends. There was Henry Bowers, yes I fucked up big with that one, we all know how he is, then there was Tom Rogan, nice guy at first, became a real asshole, then there was Ryan Adamson, we met when I was outside smoking. He wanted me to do harder shit like coke, so I ended it.
  I've given up on love at this point. I'll just die alone with my five cats.
"Come onnn he literally looks at you like the fucking galaxy is above your head" Stan said
  I saw Bill come up behind Stan and wrap his arms around him. Stan immediately smiled knowing who it was.
"Thought you had lunch detention?" I asked Bill
"Teacher fell asleep so Richie and I left" he said
  Just then Richie comes speeding in the cafeteria. He went over to sit next to Eddie who kept asking him why he skipped on lunch detention while dodging Richies kisses. Stan was giving Bill a lecture on what he did was wrong and how he was gonna get in trouble for it.
  After Bills brother went missing, Bill sort of became the kid that your parents told you was a bad influence. He wasn't how he used to be, smoking weed, ditching school, his grades slipping, but then Stan came and sort of helped him. Occasionally, Bill will do those things, but Stan helped him get his grades up to a B average and he kept him grounded.
We all knew Bill would never be his usual self again, but I feel that if he has Stan by his side he would be fine.
Richie is just a misfit. He's smart and gets straight A's, but he's just a lot for teachers to handle. His home life is pretty good. His dad died in a drunk driving accident a while back, but it brought him and his mom closer together. Him and Eddie have always been in love with each other. It's pretty hard to picture either of them with anyone else. They officially got together in Eddies 13th birthday. Richie asked him after all of us had gone home and his mom and dad had fell asleep and Richie was staying the night. They acted pretty much the same as they did before they got together, now it's just more PDA and Richie making more sexual innuendos.
Then there's Mike, who doesn't really want a relationship right now, he's fine with everything he has.
  I look back over at the kid and saw he put his notebook away and began reading a book he had. He was a really attractive boy, I'm not gonna lie, but he's just gonna turn out like the others.
It was the next week, and I was in Chemistry, a class I had with the boy who was always reading and writing.
"Ok Class, today I will be assigning you your lab partners for the rest of the year" the teacher announced.
The class groaned and I rolled my eyes. I don't wanna be stuck with someone who I've never even talked to.
I tuned out the teacher until I heard my name Beverly and Ben. Whose Ben?
I walked over to the swat the teacher said to go to. I sat down and saw someone sit next to me. I look over and it was that kid.
"Holy shit" I said softly
"Excuse me?" He said
"N-Nothing, it was nothing" I stammered out
Why the hell am I nervous right now? The teacher began to tell us about a project that is due in two weeks with our partners.
"So, uh, when do you wanna begin working on the project?" Ben asked me in a soft tone
"Whenever is fine with you" I replied
I wrote my number on the side of my paper and handed it to him.
"Here's my number, just let me know"
The bell rang and I flashed him a smile and I left the classroom.
It was lunch again I was discreetly sneaking like at Ben who was sitting in the same spot he does everyday.
"Just go talk to him" I heard Stan say from Bills lap
"No" I said
"Why not? This back and forth shit is giving me secondhand stress" Stan said
"I wouldn't even know what to say. We just spoke officially today and it's only because we have a project together" I told them
"Bev, just do it. Does he give you any signs that he's a bad guy?" Eddie asked me
"No, but neither did Tom and look how that turned out" I said
"Stop comparing all the boys you date. Take a chance" Eddie told me
   Later that day at around 6pm, I was holding my phone in my hand waiting to see if Ben would text me. My heart was beating in my chest with nerves. I felt my phone buzz and I checked, but it was just an Instagram notification. I felt it buzz again and it was a text from an unknown number.
(Bold-Ben Regular-Bev)
Is this Beverly?
                    Yeah, it is
Oh, hey it's Ben
                      Hey, what's up?
I was wondering if you wanted to come over later this week to work on the project for chemistry?
                       I would love to
Ok, I'll talk to you in class tomorrow

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