💜Stenbrough: Outfit💜

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Set in 2019
Age: 15/16
Stan's POV
  I stood in front of my mirror. I looked over at what I was wearing, a white Adidas crop top with light blue high waisted denim shorts, and white adidas. I took a deep breath. I grabbed my perfume and sprayed some on my body. This would be my first time wearing feminine clothes out in public, to everyone at school, to my friends, to my boyfriend Bill. No one knew that I stored these clothes in the back of my closet. I'm still scared at what they might say, but I just wanna take this risk. When I wear stuff like this, I just get a feeling of joy. Also the fact that my mom helped me pick this stuff out makes me feel less anxious if something goes horribly wrong. I grabbed my phone and my bag and I went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and left and began to walk to school.
   When I got to the school, I kept my head down slightly and I just walked to my locker. I opened it and got my stuff for my morning classes. Since the school year is almost over, I didn't need much.
"Oh my god Stanny" I heard someone squeal beside me. I looked and saw it was Beverly. She had a huge grin on her face and she was looking over at what I was wearing.
"Hey Bev" I said sheepishly closing my locker and leaning against it.
"You look amazing" she told me
"Thank you. I was so scared to come today"
"Don't worry, you look good, Bill is gonna lose his shit"
I leaned my head back. "I'm scared of what he will say"
"Don't be"
I looked over and saw Ben walking over to us.
"Hey Bevvy" he said wrapping an arm around her and kissing her cheek.
"Stan, you look nice" he said
We continued talking, until we heard a loud booming voice we all know too goddamn well. We looked down the hall and saw Richie and Eddie walking down the hall hand in hand and Bill trailing behind them. My heart began to race. I tried not to show it, but I was very nervous.
"Damn Staniel, nice look" Richie said
"Thanks Rich"
I looked over at Bill and he was just looking at me. My smile dropped quickly.
Luckily, the bell rang and I just rushed to my first period class. Halfway through class, I had to go to the bathroom. I just walked out the class because my teacher allowed it. I went to the bathroom and did my business and when I was finished, I went to wash my hands and I heard the door open. I looked to see who it was. It was Bill. I quickly looked back down and washed the soap off my hands. I turned the water off and got some paper towels and dried my hands off. I threw them in the trash and went to walk out the bathroom, but Bill grabbed my arm to prevent me fro. leaving.
"I need to get to class" I told him
"Why won't you talk to me?" He asked
"Bill I don't wanna talk about this right now"
"Well I do, what did I do?"
"Tell me" he said
I sighed "It took so much courage to wear this outfit today, and when you saw me, you didn't even say anything, you stared at me and it kinda hurt" I told him
"Oh, Stanny I'm sorry I didn't realize. But I think you look absolutely beautiful" he told me
"Then why didn't you tell me asshole? I spent all of first period getting ready to cry and thinking of ways to break up with you"
"I'm sorry, just when I saw you, I was speechless, in a good way"
"Yes, you're astonishing"
  He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. I smiled and blushed and looked down. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. He kissed my nose, which he knew I loved and I grinned.
"I'm sorry I made you think I didn't like your outfit" he said
"It's ok, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that"
He leaned down and kissed my lips. I kissed back with a slight smile on my lips.
"I should go back to class, it's almost over" I told him when we pulled away.
"Ok. How about you come over after school?"
"I would love too"
He kissed my forehead "I love you" he told me
"I love you too"
He smiled and let me go and he walked out the bathroom. I walked out after he did and went back to class with a huge smile on my face.


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