💚Byler: You💚

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Set in 2019
Age: 16/17
Mikes POV
I watched Will as he sat with his new boyfriend Aaron. We were all at lunch making plans to go to the arcade after school. I was sitting across from them next to El, but we've been distant with each other lately. She's been spending a lot of time with Max lately and I've just been by myself. I knew deep down I had feelings for Will, I just didn't wanna admit them to myself. I was laying on my bed when my phone began to ring. I picked it up and glanced at who was calling me. It was El.
(Italic-El Regular-Mike)
"Hello?" I answered
"Hi Mike" she said
"Hey El, what's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about something"
"I think we should break up. We've just been not as close as we used to be. And" she stopped talking
"And what?"
"I like Max" she said
"Oh" I replied. I wasn't that surprised.
  Also I could sometimes see them holding hands under the table at lunch so this was expected.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, please don't be mad"
"I'm not mad I promise, I expected this to happen"
Thank you for being so understanding"
"No problem"
We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. Now I'm the only single one in the party. Dustin has Lucas, El had Max and Will had Aaron, fucking Aaron. I groaned and threw my head back on my bed.
The next day, I just walked into school and throughout the whole day, I kept to myself. I didn't speak much and I minded my own business. Everyday someone would ask if I was ok. I always replied with 'Yeah I'm fine just tired'.
This went on for two weeks until Will pulled me to the side and demanded to know what was wrong with me.
"I'm fine, I'm just tired like you said" I told him
"That's bullshit and you know it" Will said
"It's not bullshit I'm telling you the truth"
"What's wrong?" He asked me for the 5th time
"Nothing Will just drop it!" I exclaimed
"Mike I'm your best friend talk to me"
"ITS NOTHING JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled and walked away from him. The rest of the day, in the classes we had with each other, we just ignored each other's presence.
When school was finally over, I just went home and went to a dreamless sleep. I woke up at around 2am. It makes sense since I went to sleep at like 5pm. I wasn't tired and drained anymore, I was just laying in the dark. Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed my phone and dialed Wills number.
(Italic-Will Regular-Mike)
"H-hello?" He answered. His voice was small and scratchy and I could tell he was crying.
"W-Will? What's the matter?" I asked him
"Nothing, Mike, why are you calling? It's 2am"
"Oh, um, I just wanted to apologize for yelling at you today"
"Oh, well your forgiven, I know I kept bugging you about it"
"No, Will it's fine I shouldn't have yelled at you"
I heard him sniffle
"Why are you crying?"
"I broke up with Aaron, well he broke up with me" I felt anger bubbling up inside me.
"What happened?"
"It was just a mutual decision. He said he didn't like me anymore and we just ended it"
"Oh, I'm so sorry Will"
"Don't be, yeah it hurts but I wasn't in love with him. I've only been in love once and what I had felt nothing like that"
"What do you mean you were in love before?"
"I- it was- Nothing, forget I said anything it's two in the morning and I'm tired"
"Tell me"
"Mike it's nothing trust me I'm over him for the most part"
"Can I know who it was?" I asked him
"No" Will said quickly
"Why not?"
"Because what? Remember what El says, friends don't lie"
"Ok, how about if I tell you why I was upset, you tell me who you used to be in love with"
"Ok, so after El and I broke up, I wasn't really sad about it ya know cuz we've been distant with each other and it was bound to happen, but then it was like, looking at all of you all just so happy, I kinda felt alone ya know? And I just wanted to avoid it" I told him leaving out the part of me being jealous.
"It was you"
"What was me?" I asked
"The person who I loved"
"Oh! I wasn't expecting that"
"Did I make things weird?"
"No, no, no I promise you didn't"
Will let out a sigh of relief. "Good"
"I left something out while I was telling you why I was upset"
"Another reason why I was upset was because I was jealous of someone"
"Who? El?"
"No, I was jealous of you" I said softly
"Me? Why?"
"Because I have feelings for you that I've been ignoring for a long time"
"Oh, oh wow really?"
"I wasn't expecting that"
"I wasn't expecting to tell you"
Will chuckled softly
"So, did your feelings fade or are they still there?" I asked him
"They're still there, they haven't faded for 3 years"
"So, William Byers, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked him scared out of mind he was gonna say no
"I would love too"
I let out a heavy sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that"
Will giggled tiredly "I'm getting tired, I'll see you tomorrow ok?"
"Ok, night Will"
"Goodnight Mike"
I hung up the phone and checked the time. 3:48am. I was still smiling. I got him.


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