🧡Henclair: Do It🧡

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Set in: 2019
Lucas' POV
   Dustin and I have been together for about 2 months now. I developed feelings for him after Max broke up with me. I wasn't really upset I mean, of course it hurt a little, being broken up with is always somewhat devastating.
   After that Max and El got together, Mike and Will got together, and that left Dustin and I. Dustin spent most of the summer talking about Suzie, the girl he dated from camp, but one day he came to us, upset saying that they decided to end things because they live 1,000 miles apart, but it was mutual.
   Since Dustin and I were the only single ones in the party now, we sort of bonded over it. All the couples were usually too busy flirting with each other and being in love and shit. We usually sat with each other and talked until one day, Dustin came tumbling through my window like some romantic movie. It was 12am and he confessed that he developed feelings for me and I told him I felt the same way and we've been together ever since and that was two months ago.
   We weren't as lovey dovey as Max and El or Mike and Will. Oh my lord, they are the kings of PDA and I've met Mikes cousin Richie and his boyfriend but they are 100 times worse.
   We hold hands and we lightly flirt with each other in public, but when we're alone, we act so differently.
  Dustin and I cant keep our hands off each other (not in a sexual way) just a loving and comforting way. Dustin is always resting his head on my chest and our hands are always intertwined.
  Usually when his head is on my chest, I love to kiss him on his head. I don't know why, but it makes me insanely happy.
  But there is one thing I'm afraid to do, kiss him on the lips. It's not like I don't want to, it's just, I'm sort of scared to. Like, I don't know if he even wants to because we never talked about it. I want to talk about it, but I'm afraid to.
There have been times where I almost brought it up, but then chickened out.
  Right now, the party was at the arcade playing all the vintage games that have been here since the 80s. Dustin was trying to beat Max's high score on a game I forgot the name of. He was so close. He was at 14900 and he was close to Max's score of 15000.
  Everyone was cheering him on except for Max and when he reached 15000, we encouraged him to keep going and in the end, he ended up with 16050 points. We all cheered and so did he. In all the excitement, I felt him grab my face and smash his lips onto mine. I kissed back and when we pulled apart, we both had shocked expressions on our faces.
"Sorry" He said
"No, don't be. I've been wanting to do that for a while" I confessed
"Oh, why haven't you said anything?" He asked me
"I get nervous"
"Want to do it again?"
I smiled and nodded. He smiled and leaned in and connected his lips with mine. We both couldn't stop smiling and we parted and began to laugh.
"I love you" He told me
"I love you too"


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