💖Benverly: Accident💖

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Set in: 2019
Beverlys POV
  I threw up for the third time that Saturday morning. I don't know why, but for the past couple days, I couldn't stop throwing up. When it felt like I was done, I flushed the toilet and I stood up and went to the sink to rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth. When I was done, I decided to go back and lay down to rest. Just then, my phone began to buzz. I sat up to see who was calling and I saw it was Ben. I smiled softly and grabbed my phone and pressed the answer button.
(Bold-Beverly italic-Ben)
"Hello?" I answered
"Good Morning Bevvy" He said. He's the only person I can really handle calling me Bevvy after my dad.
"Good morning Benny" i said kinda hoarse. My throat was hurting from throwing up so much.
"Are you ok? You sound kinda sick"
"Yeah I'm fine, just threw up a bit, but I'm fine"
"I'm coming over"
"Ben no-" he cut me off
"Yes, you seem sick and I wanna take care of you"
"Ok" I smiled at the thought at how much he actually loves me.
"I'll be there in 30 minutes"
"Ok, I love you"
"I love you too, to the moon and back"
I hung up the phone and laid back on my pillow and turned on my TV to watch some morning cartoons.
Almost exactly 30 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. I heard my aunt downstairs and she opened the door. I heard her voice and Bens and then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. A soft knock was heard outside my door.
"Come in" i said
Ben opened the door, holding a bag in his hand.
"Hi my love" he said making me blush
"Hi Benny"
He leaned down and pecked my cheek then my lips.
"What's in the bag?" I asked
"Just some stuff like soup and candy because I know what you want when you aren't feeling well" he replied
He sat next to me on my bed and handed me a snickers bar, my favorite.
"I love you so much" I said
"I love you too Bevvy"
Time Skip
Almost 2 weeks later and I still kept throwing up. My aunt decided to take me to the doctor. We were waiting in the doctors office as I sat on the exam table. The doctor walked in a few moments later.
"Hello Beverly, my name is Dr. Linsey and I'm going to be examining you today" the doctor said "As you are almost 18, you have the option to have your guardian present or not"
I looked at my and gave her a sheepish look and she understood and stood up.
"I'll be in the waiting area" she said walking out
"Alright Beverly, you have been throwing up a lot and having symptoms of fatigue?" The doctor questioned.
"Yes, for about 3 weeks straight now" I said
"Have you been out the country lately?" She asked
"Have you eaten old foods or anything to cause an allergic reaction?"
"Hmm, are you sexually active?"
"Y-Yes" i stammered out. Ben and I did it for the first time on my 17th birthday.
"Did you use protection?" She asked
She still had a contemplative look on her face. She opened her drawer at the desk and she pulled out a box and handed it to me. I looked to see what it was.
A pregnancy test, a fucking pregnancy test.
"W-what?" I questioned
"I have reason to believe that you have symptoms of pregnancy and I want to you take the test to confirm my suspicions"
Fuck I couldn't be pregnant, what am I gonna tell my Aunt, what am I gonna tell Ben?! I really don't wanna lose him over this.
I walked out of the exam room and went to the bathroom, trying my hardest to hide the test in my hands.
I got to the bathroom and I took out one of the tests. I unwrapped it and I did as the box to me to do. When I was done, I had to wait five minutes to find out the results. I washed my hands and paced back and forth. When five minutes was up, I looked at the test hesitantly.
Two lines. Shit.
Tears fell out my eyes and I picked up the test and walked back to the doctors exam room. I handed her the test and she looked at me.
"Now it's confirmed, Ms. Marsh you are pregnant" she said
"Oh god" I said
"I supposed you want to think about your options? She said
"Yes. Also when my aunt asks what's wrong, can you just tell her I had a stomach bug or something?" I asked
"Of course"
When I was done, we walked to the waiting area and the doctor did as I asked and told my Aunt I was just feeling under the weather and I will take longer than usual to recover. How am I gonna tell her the truth?
When I got home, I laid on my bed, all these thoughts swirling in my mind. I decided to go tell Ben now before anything else. I texted him saying I was gonna come over. I put on my shoes again and I put on a jacket. I said bye to my aunt and I left. The walk to his house wasn't long as I got there in like ten minutes. When I got to the front door, I knocked and his mom answered the door.
"Hello Beverly" she said
"Hi Mrs. Hanscom"
"Ben is up in his room" she said letting me in
"Thank you"
I took off my jacket and hung it on one of the hooks by the front door. I walked upstairs and I went to Bens room. I didn't bother to knock and when I walked in, he was just sitting on his bed watching a movie.
"Hi Bevvy" he said
I sat down next to him and just hugged him.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I have to tell you something, but I'm afraid you'll leave" I said softly
"That will never happen and you know it"
"Before I tell you, it was an accident I swear"
"Bevvy you're scaring me, what happened?"
"I-I-I'm pr-pregnant" I stuttered out
"I'm pregnant, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen" I began to sob.
"Beverly, Bev calm down, I'm not mad"
"What?" I looked at him confused
"I'm not mad, and I'm definitely not leaving you, not in a million years"
"Yes, really, I'm gonna do my damned hardest to support you and our child, that is if you wanna keep it?"
"Yeah, yeah I think I do"
"Ok, then we'll get through this together"
I put my hands on his cheeks and pecked his lips.
"You're too good for this world Ben Hanscom"


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