🖤Stanlonbrough: Divided🖤

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Age: 21
Bills POV
    The 5th night. The 5th night of us being divided. Stan and Mike got into a fight and they still haven't made up. From what I know, something happened to Mike at work, I refuse to know what it was, and he told Stan what happened and Stan was nonchalant about it and Mike got mad at him and said that he didn't care about him or something and that had them get into a huge argument. That all happened 5 days ago and they still haven't spoken. It's been very awkward and every night I would alternate between who I would sleep with for the night. Right now, I was at Eddies house with Bev and I was sitting between them with my head on Bevs shoulder and Eddie running his hands through my hair.
"They'll get over it" Eddie said
"It's been a week and they still haven't spoken. They avoid being near each other and Mike sleeps in the bedroom while Stan sleeps in the guest one and it's just so broken, what if one of them leaves?"
"You know they love each other. Also they love you as well so I don't think that will happen" Bev said "you'll be ok"
After I left Eddies house, I got home and I saw Stan sitting at the kitchen table on his laptop and Mike was nowhere to be seen. I walked by our room and I saw Mike in there reading his book. I clenched my eyes shut and I went to the bathroom and I slammed the door shut and I locked it. I slid down the wall and I just began to cry. I sobbed into my hands and I tried to be quiet. Everything is fucked up, Stan and Mike hate each other and I don't know how to fix it. I've given them their time to figure shit out but it's been a week I can't take it anymore! I was still sobbing when I heard the doorknob jiggle.
"Bill?" Mike said from the other side of the door
"Bill what's wrong?" I heard Stan said
I didn't answer them.
"Bill open the door" Mike said
"No!" I yelled
"Bill come on" Stan said
"No everything is fucked up and you both hate each other and one of you is gonna leave and everything is falling apart"
Stan and Mikes POV
Goddammit. Fuck this is bad.
"Shit" Stan muttered "Baby just please open the door and we can talk about this"
"Not until you both make up. It's been a week and I've given you your space, but you both need to work your shit out"
The two men standing outside the door looked at each other.
"He's right you know" Mike said
"Yeah" Stan said "You know I love you right?"
"Yeah I know"
"Then why did you say that I didn't care about you?"
"I didn't mean it, it was in the heat of the moment. I promise I didn't mean any of it"
Stan took Mikes hand in his.
"I'm sorry I was ignoring you, you know I'm stubborn. I just hate that Bill had to breakdown for us to finally get our heads out of our asses"
"I feel terrible"
Mike knocked on the bathroom door again.
"Billy can you open the door now?"
"Did you talk?" Bill asked from inside
"Yes we did"
The doorknob was clicked and the door was opened slightly. Bill opened the door and he stepped out.
"Did you make up?" He asked
"Yes we did"
"Did you say that you love each other?"
"No" Mike answered
"Say it" Bill whined
"I love you Mike" Stan said
"I love you too Stan"
"Now kiss" Bill said
Stan and Mike just chuckled but did as he said. They leaned in and kissed softly with Bill grinning. When they pulled apart, they both looked at Bill.
"We're sorry we put you through that Billy, we really are" Stan said
"It's ok, just don't do it again, at least not for a week. Also you two are taking the bedroom tonight and I'm gonna sleep in the guest because I think you need it"
"Fine" they both said
Bill kissed both their cheeks.
"I love you both so much" he said
"We love you too"


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