❤️Reddie: One and Only❤️

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Age: 27
Eddies POV
  I finished up early at the hospital, so I decided to go and visit Richie at work. I was in the elevator in the huge tall ass building he was the CEO of. Richie and I are doing pretty well for ourselves, me being a nurse at NYU Hospital and he being the CEO of some company he worked for, for years I forgot the name of it. No one would have ever think that Richie Trashmouth Tozier, my husband would ever be a CEO, but nonetheless I'm proud of him. After being together since we were 13, and getting married at 18, I would say we were doing the best we could. I got to the 15th floor and I walked up to the receptionist. She wasn't the same lady I was used to, so she must've just started here.
"Hello, I'm here to see Richie Tozier" I told her.
She eyed me up and down before smiling. I could tell it was fake.
"What's your name?" She asked
"Eddie Tozier" I answered easily. I still can't believe my last name is Tozier. My heart always flutters at the thought of it.
She picked up her phone and dialed a number.
"Mr. Tozier, there is an Eddie Tozier here to see you" She said in a sickeningly sweet voice. She really rubs me the wrong way.
"Ok" she said hanging up the phone.
"Go down the hall and make a right" she told me
"I know where to go" I said smiling and walking to his office. I knocked on his door and I opened the door and looked in his office. He was sitting in his office chair, looking as handsome as always.
"Hi Chee" I said walking inside and closing the door behind me
"Eds! What a lovely surprise" he said smiling.
I went over and sat in his lap.
"I got done with my shift at the hospital early and I wanted to come see my favorite man" I told him
"Aw, you were thinking about little ol' me?" He said
I rolled my eyes but smiled at the same time.
"You're insufferable" I told him
"I've been called worse babe" he kissed my head and I smiled.
2 months later...
I stopped by Richies office once again to have lunch with him. I walked up to the receptionist again. Same bit- I mean same girl as last time.
"Hello" I said "May I see Richie Tozier please?"
"He's on a phone meeting, but you can wait over there" she pointed to the chairs outside his office.
"I'll just walk right in" I told her
"Sir you can't do that" she called out
I ignored her and I opened his door quietly and peeked my head in. He was indeed on the phone. He saw me and smiled and I smiled back. I closed his door softly. I walked and grabbed a chair and sat by him and I set the bag containing our food on his desk. I heard him wrap up his call and he hung up the phone.
"Hey, you brought food" he said
"Yeah I did"
I put a hand behind his head and brought his lips to mine. He smiled as we pulled away.
"So, What brings you here today?" He said taking out the Chinese food I bought.
"I was bored. A day off isn't fun without you home" I told him
"I know, I'm sorry but hey, we only have 4 more hours, until we're home, in our comfortable queen sized bed, cuddling watching Brooklyn 99"
"That sounds delightful" I said
A knock was heard at the door.
"Come in" Richie said
The door opened revealing the receptionist lady, whose name I know but prefer not to use, she's just receptionist lady or bitch to me.
"Hey Jenna" Richie said
"Hello Mr. Tozier, there's a call for you" She said while smiling at him. I tried my best not to glare at her
"Can you take a message? I'm kinda busy at the moment" he told her
"Of course" she looked at him for a moment then walked out the room. I didn't even notice I was stabbing my rice and chicken.
"Whoa Eds calm down" Richie said
2 weeks later...
I was back at Richies job once again. I just had the worse day and I wanted to see him. The receptionist lady wasn't at her desk today.
Hopefully Richie fired her ass.
I walked into his office and there she was, leaning on his desk.
"Hey baby he said looking over her to look at me.
"Hi Richie"
The bitch just turned around and looked at me with so much hate in her eyes.
"We were just having a conversation" she said
I flashed her a fake smile "I really don't care" (a/n I've been saying that a lot lately lol)
"Well, it was nice talking to you Mr. Tozier" She said getting off his desk and she flashed one last smile towards him a and she left.
I took deep breath and I looked up at the ceiling.
"What's wrong Eddie, something's not right" he said. I knew he meant it, because he never calls me Eddie.
"Just, I had the worst day, and I wanted to come see you, and that bitch is obviously into you and it's getting to me"
"Wait what? What happened at work"
"A close patient of mine died today and it's kind of getting to me"
"Ok, and what did you say about Jenna?"
"She's obviously likes you Richie, she's always flirting with you and she looks at me with so much hate, and she's rude to me how could you not see it?!" I exclaimed
"Baby why didn't you tell me? You know I'm blind to things like that" he got up out of his chair and walked over to me.
"I don't know, I just didn't want to interfere with your work life I guess"
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.
"Hey, if something was bothering you, you could've come to me, you know that. 
"I know, I was just scared"
"I know you were" I felt him kiss my head as he rubbed my back. "How about I leave early and we spend the rest of the day together?" He suggested
"Ok, I'd like that" I pulled away from his chest and looked up at him and smiled.
"Ok, let me get my stuff" I leaned up on my toes and kissed him softly.
"I love you so much" I told him
"I love you too"
He pulled away from me, and he got the stuff he needed and we left his office. We were walking to the elevator and Richie said, "Jenna you're fired" to the receptionist lady  The look on her face was priceless. That just made my day.
All I know, is that I would always be Richies one and only love in his life.


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