💙Elmax: Attention💙

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Set in: 1986
El's POV
Max was sitting on the floor doing her homework and I was really bored. I finished mine a while ago because I do half of my work at school and the other half at home.
"Maxie hurry up I'm bored" I said to her.
She hates it when anyone else calls her Maxie, but with me she loves it.
"I'm almost done El, just give me a minute" she replied, not looking at me and still writing.
I huffed and turned on the TV that hopper got me to put in my room when I turned 15.
"Ellie can you turn that off I need to focus" Max said
I rolled my eyes and did as she said. I grabbed my notebook that I use to draw in from time to time. Will got it for me when I asked him to teach me how to draw. He also got me colored pencils and regular ones and taught me how to draw faces. I began to draw a face and I realized I began to draw Max.
Time Skip
"Ok I'm finally done" Max said after 20 minutes.
"Finally" I said putting the finishing touches on my drawing. Max stood up and sat next to me on my bed.
"What are you drawing?" She asked
I hoed the book close to my chest so she wouldn't see.
"No don't look it isn't ready yet" I exclaimed
"Come on please, just a peek?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I have to add a few more colors and I'll show you when I'm done"
"Ugh fine"
She turned on the TV and began watching whatever was on.
"I'm done" I said and Max turned her attention to me.
"Lemme see lemme see" she said
I smiled and showed her the picture I drew.
Her eyes widened a bit and her jaw dropped.
"Do you not like it?" I asked worriedly
"No, no Ellie I love it, it's amazing"
She took the notebook from my hands and studied the picture closer.
"This is-is pure talent" she said and I blushed
"Can I keep it?" She asked
"Yes of course you can"
I ripped the page out from the notebook and handed it to her. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss me. It was short, sweet and passionate, like always.
"I love you" she said once we pulled away
"Y-you do?" I asked
"Yes I absolutely do"
I smiled and leaned in to kiss her again.
Max's POV
  I left El's house about 20 minutes ago and I just got home. I went straight to my room and I got some tape from my desk and I pulled out the drawing from my bag. I pulled off a piece of tape and I put the picture above my bed and taped it to my wall. I added a couple more pieces so I wouldn't fall easily. I looked at the picture and just grinned.
'She's really something special' I thought to myself.


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