D A T I N G T H E M . . .

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T o N y

• Having an Iron-Woman Suit
•Expensive Gifts
•You declining the gifts
•Him forcing you to take the gifts
•Arguments about having the arc reactor
•Rough sex
•Sex in public
•Him being the baby in the relationship
•Being the mother of The Avengers
•Him loving you unconditionally
•You And Him are both spoiled brats
•Him claiming that your skin looks and taste like chocolate
•Him asking you to cook soul food

S t E v E

•Being over protective
•Asking questions about his time period
•Him asking questions about this time period
•Playing with his shield
•Being close friends with Bucky
•Teaching Him how to text
•Regretting teaching him how to text
•Not letting you go on missions
•You low key going on missions anyways
•Him yelling at you about going on the missions
• "I love you more then life itself."
•You calling Him captain to turn him on
•Sex through out the night
•The entire crew teasing you guys the next morning
•Him staring at you twisting and doing your hair
• "is that a weave?"
• punching him in the arm

B u C k Y

•Using his arm at night to be cool
•Fighting him in the ring
•Him feeling insecure about his arm
•"Baby, I love you and your arm. Now come choke me with it."
•Him choking you with it
•Using the arm in the bedroom
•Him being a huge teddy bear
•You Being the big spoon sometimes
•Watching old movies together
•Him being a huge flirt with everything that has the opposite sex part.
•You yelling at him for flirting with other girls.
• "If you flirt with someone, at least make sure she's better looking then me!"
•Him kissing you to make you shut tf up
•him smelling your hair because it smells like pink lotion or cocoa butter.. or both.

P e T e R

•Him making you laugh every moment of the day
•Loosing your virginity to him
•Loosing his virginity to you
•Being awkward together
•Late night study sessions on the roof top
•Catching Him in his suit and almost dying
•Him explaining everything, and now your dating Spider-Man.
•Tony Stark giving you the 'if you hurt him I'll hurt you'
•Literally all the MCU women threatening you to not hurt him.
•Him sneaking in your room late at night
• "Peter stop it before my mom kills the both of us."
• "She can't kill me if she doesn't hear you."

B r U c E

•Calming him down when he starts to Hulk our
•Being best friends with the Hulk
•The Hulk low key crushing on you
•Out smarting each other
•Him being insecure about his other half.
•Him being nervous around you all the time
•Flirting with Him so he blushes
•Scared to have sex but does it anyways
•Low key is a FREAK
•Him being in the lab way too long
•Being irritated about it
•Tony butting in all the time to stand up for his friend.
• "Shut up Tony, this is between me and him."
• "Baby calm down. I'm sorry."
•Him making it up to you all night long

C l I n T

•Him teaching you archery (duh)
•You failing miserably at it
•Finally hitting it on the target
•Random make out sessions in random places
•A LOT of sex
•Petty arguments
•Making him sleep on the couch
•you missing him
•Him finding you asleep next to him
•Being jealous of him and Natasha's relationship
•not saying anything because you don't want to be that that bitch
•Him touching your natural hair
•Letting Him Being the only person to touch your hair.
•lots of lazy days
• Burping competitions 

N a T a S h A

•Crushing on each other but not admitting
•Finally admitting
•Getting caught by Sam
•"Nat And (Y/N) are having sexy time!"
•The boys asking to get some sexy time with the both of you
•Her not being good at showing emotions
•You trying to break that trait
•Her loving your cuddles but doesn't want anyone to show
•Love kissing you in front of the guys
•Flirting with her during missions
• Telling her cheesy pick up lines
•make out sessions while fighting
•guys being jealous of the both of you
• "I never knew what falling in love was till I met you."

W a N d A

•Having the same powers
•Scared that she will lose you
•best friends with Pietro
•date nights in the city
•reading books together
•cuddling her to go to sleep
•making stupid puns with her to make her laugh
•her stealing your clothes
•you stealing her jewelry
•watching grey anatomy together
•keeping your relationship from the rest of the group
•late night talks
• "Babe, are you awake?"
• "No. Now go to sleep. I love you though."

P i E t R o

•Having races
•PDA no matter who you are with or where
•Being in love with his voice
•Kissing Him all over his face to make him blush
•Him whispering sweet nothings in your ear all the time
•sneaking into each other rooms to sleep together
•he was your first everything
•sometimes getting annoyed with his speed
• "Pietro stop running all the damn time. You just messed up my papers!"
• "Sorry Gorgeous!"
•watching adult swim and laughing your asses off
•Him Thanking the gods for you everyday of his life

T h O r

•being worthy
•Trips to Asgard.. almost every month
•Being a big teddy bear
•you being the big spoon.. all the time
•braiding his hair
•getting mad at the person who cut his hair
•teaching him how to make soul food
•teaching you how to make Asgardian foods
•low key being best friends with Loki
•Thor being jealous
•Showing Him he's the only man that you want
•receiving and giving head at inappropriate places
• "You are worth more then all the stars and galaxies in this entire universe."

L o K i

• Being that sarcastic couple
•Being reckless together
•You Being the only person to see him at his vulnerable state
•Insuring him that you only want him and not his brother
•Being his right hand women
•Him giving you all the riches and golds that the universe has to offer
•Your the only person that will stare at him dead in the face with out fear (other then Thor)
•Back massages that turns to something else
•Traveling the world together
• "I love yous" at random times
•Mourning his death multiple times
•Beating his ass when he comes back alive

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