P O S T - A R G U M E N T

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You were in the living room, reading a book. You heard someone come in looking up seeing Tony standing there. You rolled your eyes, looking back down to your book. You heard his footsteps walk closer to where you were, then he stood looking at you.

You've been ignoring him for the past three days and it was driving him crazy. You didn't sleep in the same bed considering you took the guest room, didn't cook for him, and even avoiding talking to him on a mission. "Can we talk?" he asked you scratching his head. You looked up at him and chuckled. "As long as it's not a bother Anthony." you closed your book as he sighed.

"Don't do that?"

"Don't do what?"

"You call me by my full name whenever you're mad. Not now. Please." he asked sitting next to you as you scoffed. "I just- I miss you."

"You miss me? Wow, considering that you wanted space from me." you replied standing up. You stepped over his feet about to leave but he grabbed your hand scooting to the edge of the couch. You looked at him to see that he was obviously stressed.

"(Y/N) I am sorry. I am really sorry. I just- I don't whats wrong with me. I just haven't been myself. And I just want to be " he looked at you. You saw his hand looking down at him. "Tony I am the last person you should be shutting out." you told him. He nodded running his hands through his hair.

"I know I know. I just don't know how to talk about how I feel. You know this. I haven't been eating, sleeping. I just don't feel like it." he admitted to you. You realized what was happening with him closing your eyes. You sat down next to him grabbing his face.

"As your wife, I am suppose to help you Tony. Please let me help." you whispered to him. He nodded at you, as you placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Why do you put up with me and all my crap?" he asked you.

"Mostly because I have to." you smiled at him as he shook his head chuckling. "Mainly because I love you."


You looked at the food in front of you, not really wanting to eat. It's been like this for about a week. You pushed the plate away, just eating the bread. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Natasha asked you as you looked at her shooting a smile.

"Yeah, just not really hungry." you responded truthfully.

"You haven't eaten a lot in these past couple of days. Are you sure you are okay?" she asked. You squinted your eyes at her. "What? Do I eat a lot?" you snapped at her, catching everyone off guard.

"What? No- I was just-" you cut her off. "I'm going to bed." you stood up, walking to the spare room. Natasha eyes went wide at you, her best friend, just snapped at her. "That was.. weird." Natasha replied looking at Steve. "Is she mad at me?"

"More like at me." Steve ran his hand over his face, placing the fork down. "Oh Capsicle having issues with the lady. What did you do?" Tony teased him.

"I don't know honestly. All I said was she should get in better shape like Natasha and Sharon and she just blew up on me." he replied. Everybody looked at him, dumbfounded on what he just said.

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