I#28: Natasha Romanoff

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          You were assigned to help assist the Avengers a couple of weeks back. It was pretty interesting to see the inside of what happens during the Avengers.

You were organizing some paperwork for Steve when you heard someone knock on your office door. "Come in!" You yelled. You looked up and saw Natasha standing there. She closed the door walking in as you smiled at her.

You had a slight crush on her from the moment you met her a couple of years ago. When ever you were with her you couldn't help but have feelings that went deeper. But the thing was she was a complete bitch to you for reasons unknown.

"Hi Ms.Romanova, how can I help you?" You asked taking off your glasses.

"I came in here to grab those papers for Steve." She replied as you looked down at them. "Well they aren't finished, but it'll only be about an hour." You told her as she rolled her eyes.

"We really don't have an hour so if you could just hurry it up it would be greatly appreciated." She told you. You nodded placing your glasses on, continuing to work. She stared at you wondering why you didn't snap back at her. She hated that whenever she said something to you, you just accepted it.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" You asked giving her a gentle smile. She leaned on the table staring at you, as your breathing became a bit shallow.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" You asked confused.

"Every time someone says something to you, good or bad, you always nice about it. It makes you look weak." She responded. You clench your jaw looking back down at the papers.

"Just because you don't get the reaction that you are fetching for doesn't make that person weak Ms.Romanova. In a matter of fact it makes you weak if you think saying something to someone knowing they won't retaliate back is okay." You told her avoiding eye contact.

This was the most she heard you speak, and probably even saying something rude. She stared at you in shock sitting up. The way you weren't looking at her while saying it was kind of turning her on. She nodded her head walking out.

"Just have those papers in my hand within the hour." And with that she left. You let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding. You rubbed your eyes putting your hand over your mouth.

About 45 minutes later you were finished and went to turn the papers in to Natasha. You turned off you office lights and locked the door making your way to the living part of the tower. You saw Clint, Steve, Natasha and Tony sitting around, drinking. You walked over to the couch where you saw Steve. Natasha was on the other side staring at you.

"Here you go." You responded handing him the folders as he smiled.

"Thank you I really appreciate it." He told you as you smiled. You turned around to go head up to your room.

"Hey, why don't you join us. There is plenty of beer and room." Clint responded patting the space next to him making you chuckle.

"I appreciate the off but I should be heading to bed now. I have a busy day at the quarters tomorrow. Next time though." With that you turned around making your way to your room.

"Man, she's kind of cute. You should get at her Steve." Tony replied drinking his beer as he shook his head looking at Natasha.

"Someone has eyes on her already." He wiggles his eyebrows at Natasha as she slapped his chest.

"Wait, you like her?" Tony responded. "I wouldn't have known. No offense but you are a B-I-T-C-H to her." He responded shaking his head.

"Yeah she kind of called me out on it. I never knew how to talk to her and most times I feel like I'm joking but apparently she doesn't see it as that." She sighed drinking her beer.

"I feel like it's because your surrounded by boys so you joke like a boy. She doesn't understand that humor." Clint replied. Natasha sat back and thought about it.

"Go talk to her Natasha." Steve responded. Little did they know, you were standing outside eves dropping. You ran to your room quickly, to try and get at least good looking.

You just let your hair down, stripped off your clothes, and put on some spanks and a T-Shirt. You put on some chapstick when you heard a knock on the door. You walked over to it slowly opening it to see her standing there.

"Ms. Romanova, What are you doing here?" You asked crossing your hands over your chest.

"Can we talk?" she asked. You opened the door to let her threw as she walked in. "Your room smells nice." She mumbled.

"Thanks.." you trailed off. She turned to look at you.

"I was thinking about what you said earlier and I didn't mean to come off.. bitchy. It's just my humor which is very dry apparently." She responded. "Truth is I don't really know how to express how I feel so I come off a bit rude. So I apologize if I come off mean. I honestly really like you." She told you as you smiled at her.

"No it's okay. I like you too.." you told her.

"No like.. I like like you." You swallowed the lump your throat.

"I like like you too." You chuckled. "I was just scared to say anything because-"

"I was mean. Yeah that sucks." She mumbled scratching the back of her head. You walked over to her biting your lip.

"If it makes it any better I forgive you. I can understand where you are coming from." You told her as she looked at you stepped forward. Before anything could be said, you placed your lips on hers, giving her a light peck. You pulled away, but she grabbed your waist pulling you closer kissing you deeper.

You guys both stumbled on the bed with her on top of you. You pulled away noticing you had an audience. You cleared you throat pointing at the door as she rolled her eyes standing up.

"When you said go talk to her, you didn't say have sex!" Clint replied still in shock. She slammed the door in there face turning back to you.

"Now where we."

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