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"I have Bucky."

You said the words, almost regretting pulling out the piece of paper. The two of you could never get along with him having a deep hatred for you. Maybe it had something to do that he was the reason for your near death experience shooting you in the stomach when he was The Winter Soldier. But he doesn't know that he did it. Or because he was an ass to you most of the time. Either way, you didn't want to be in a secluded place with him at all.

But there was something about him that intrigued you. You don't know if it was his darkness, his talk, or the way he displayed himself but he was fine to you.

You saw him roll his eyes standing up, as you awkwardly stood up. "Well.. what are you guys waiting for?" Clint smirked at you. You rolled your eyes standing up.

"Let's go.. I guess." You mumbled walking to the closet with him following you. He opened the door as you stepped with him doing the same shutting the door.

You awkwardly stood there leaning against the wall playing with your fingers. He leaned against the door with his eyes as you stared at him. "Stop starring at me."

"M-My bad." You heard your phone buzz as you took it out of your pocket.

Natasha: Steve just said that Bucky likes you..

Natasha: omfg

You stared at the text message in complete shock as you bit your lip. You didn't know that Bucky was staring at you. You looked up at him as your eyes locked on each other. You quickly put your phone in your pocket.

"So Bucky.." you trailed off crossing your arms over your chest. "Have you met any special ladies?" You asked him.

"Why you wanna know?" He asked you, coming off a bit rude.

"Fine. You don't have to tell me. Not like we are friends anyways." You rolled your eyes. He clenched his jaw, knowing that he probably hurt your feelings even though he didn't. You looked at your phone and saw you had five minutes left.

"If you wanna know, I do have this one girl in mind but she probably doesn't even have interest in me." He replied. You raised one eyebrow suddenly interested in the conversation.

"And why is that?"

"I'm an ass to her." He simply said making you chuckle.

"Do I know her?" You asked walking closer to him as he stared at you in confusion.

"Yeah. Actually you do." He replied smirking at you as you nodded.

"Lucky her. You should make a move. She probably doesn't know you like her though." You commented as he winced.

"Well now she does."

"How is that?"

"I just told her." You started to blush looking down. "Do you know if she likes you back?" You asked him. He was slowly starting to get in your face l, you standing your ground.

"I mean.. I can always ask. But she's showing me signs that she likes me." He whispered the last part. It was a silent for a minute before you spoke up.

"Ask her. Never know what you might get." You bit your lip looking at him. Just the simple action made him loose control. "Fuck this.." He whispered grabbing your face kissing you. His breath tasted like the liquor he was drinking. You moaned at the feeling of it as he slightly pushed you against the wall.

You hands found there way to his hair slightly tugging at it. You knew you guys only had about a minute to three minutes left so you pulled away.

"They are going to be here in a few minutes." you whispered to him, making him sigh. He pulled away as you walked over to the door locking it. You turned around to see him stare at you in shock. "I never said to stop."

He smirked grabbing you lifting you up pushing you against the door. You smiled at his sudden roughness, making you giggle. His lips started to attack your neck, you moaning pretty loudly when he hit the spot. Suddenly there were knocking on the door.

"Okay, times up!" he placed you down, as you fixed yourself. You saw he had an issue as you pointed to it, making him groan. "Here just stand very close behind me. Then you can cover yourself up with my blanket yeah?" you told him.

"There going to get suspicious about us being close."

"Okay fine. Walk out with a boner then." you turned around to open the door but he stopped you. "Fine, just don't move. A lot." he whimpered. You opened the door to see everyone staring at you guys.

"Well that was pretty interesting. Now everyone let's sit on the couch and finish." The stared at you guys suspiciously as the two of you guys smiled innocently at them.

"Wow.. look at that bruise. It's the size of my fist." Wanda exclaimed looking at it, as you closed your eyes kicking him from the back in his knee. He groaned making him shift a bit as you felt his boner on your ass.

The stared at you guys weirdly, before walking back into the living. You guys sat next to each other, catching the others off guard. He leaned over, whispering in your hear,

"Please tell me you'll help me take care of this."

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