I#42: Thor Odinson

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Being the daughter of the one and only Thanos, was a complete and utterly mishap. You were apart of the black order. Years ago, he kidnapped you from your home planet, Earth, and raised you like his own. Training you, teaching you, building you. So when you started to fight good by helping him wipe out half of planets it was like nature to you.

That was until you met him...

You sat in the Stark tower, looking at the after math of everything that happened. You were injured from being on the vessel when Thanos destroyed it. You were stabbed on your side by your older brother, Ebony Maw.

Your older sister was dead, the friends you made were dead, half of the people you considered family was dead, and  you thought everyone looked at you like you were the monster. Except him.

This whole mishap had them blaming the wrong people. Tony blaming Steve. Rhodes blaming you. Such and such.

"Is there anything that you might know where he might be?" Steve asked Nebula and you. It took you a while to comprehend what he said biting your knuckles. Rhodes rolled his eyes standing up.

"Well obviously she wouldn't know. She's not going to snitch on her daddy." he said.

"Rhodes..." Thor warned him as you stared at him.

"I suggest you not talk about my sister like that if you know what's good for you." Nebula threatened him.

"Am I the only one that finds it weird that she just comes out of nowhere saying she is the father of this purple ball sack? Like really Thor? You down grade to this." he asked.

"Leave her alone." Carol told him.

"Yeah I agree with her. She's small but she's dangerous." Rocket warned him as he busted out laughing.

"Talk about her like that again, and I promise I'll rip each of your useless limbs from your body." Thor said standing up.

"Pathetic." Rhodes laughed as you grabbed the knife that Thor was cutting his bread with aiming it at the wall behind him cutting his ear a bit as you stood up.

"No let me tell you what is pathetic." you walked towards him pointing a finger in his face. "That you have the nerve to sit here and put the blame on someone who tried to fucking help you. I can't help that he kidnapped me from this shit hole of a planet. I can't help that he made me into an assassin that I didn't ask to be. So I suggest you put your foot in your mouth because I swear I'll hurt you with my bare hands." you threatened him. Everyone stared at you at your sudden words that were said to the rest of the team in 21 days.

"You aren't the only ones that lost people, I lost people. People that I was raised with, people that I made friends with, people that I was taught to hate but learned to love so please." you started balling a fist in his face. "Don't you dare speak out on what I did." you grabbed the knife from the wall that was behind him placing it back on the table.

"I'm going outside for some air."

You walked out on the balcony. You leaned over the balcony, tears falling your face. The burden of having that feeling that you were all to blame for this, the feeling that you lost half of the people you loved.

You felt a hand on your shoulder as you turned around knowing it was Thor. He saw your face, pulling you close as you cried into his chest. "Shh, I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he whispered in your ear.

Ironically... you guys were basically the same. He had super villains as a brother and a sister, and you had super villains as brothers and sisters. You lost your family to him and he lost his family to him. He felt like he did something wrong and you felt like you did something wrong. You both try to right your wrongs.

"I just miss them so much. A-And I feel like I didn't do enough. Like why couldn't I stop him or kill him before any of this blew out of proportion. What if we can't get them back.." you trailed off, thinking of the bad. He sighed looking at you grabbing your face.

"Blaming ourselves aren't going to break them back love. We just have to find him." he told you placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Everything I hate about myself is because of him. My scars, my past, my history, the blood on my hands is all because of him controlling me." you wiped your tears.

"But in that process it made you one of the strongest women that the universe have to offer."

"Why do you love me Thor? After all the shit I've done."

He sat down on the ground, directing you to sit between his legs. He wrapped his arms around your torso as you laid your head back in his chest. "Well first of all your strong and not afraid to speak up for yourself. Even though you tried to kill me years ago, you show me that you love and care for me. Willing to risk your life to save me." he responded as you chuckled.

"And even though you did do bad you try to right your wrongs. It doesn't matter how much you apologize because of doing something bad. It matters the actions you take and so far you've been doing your all fixing this. It took everything in you to tell them what was happening." he whispered to you. You looked down, remembering everything your father brought you too. Pain, cries, scars, fear.

"I did it for you too." you whispered. He was confused as you continued. "I was so in love with you and changed. I wanted to keep people safe, help those in need, be helpful. You made me realize I was worth more then a kill machine. I never thanked you for that." you grabbed his hand turning around.

"Thank you.." you whispered to him. He grabbed your face kissing you. Your hands found his face running your hands through his now cut hair. He pulled you closer as you pulled away.

"I love you.." he whispered as you smiled at him.

"I love you more.."

"Now, I feel bad for saying this but I need to go kill my father in law."

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