I#38: Natasha Romanoff

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           You woke up excited for the day that was going to come. Tony asked if you and Natasha could babysit Avri for the weekend so that him and Pepper can go on vacation. You didn't tell Natasha because she doesn't like kids, so it was just going to be a surprise. And also, Avri was a sweetheart. How could you turn it down?

You ran downstairs getting everything ready. You went to the store, got all of her favorite snacks, blankets and pillows, toys, arts and crafts. You were probably more excited for the weekend then she was. You heard the doorbell ring, as you walked from the kitchen to your living room opening the door to see Pepper holding her bag and Tony holding Avri. "Hi guys!" You exclaimed but noticed she was sleep. "Here I got her." You replied holding her as she snuggled into your neck. You grabbed her bag also.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N). Thank you so much for watching her!" She exclaimed. "I know Natasha doesn't like kids so it means a lot."

"Oh no worries." You smiled at her. "She's a doll."

"I'll love to stand her and chat some more but Rome is calling my name. Bonvoyage!" He exclaimed kissing Avris' cheek then started walking down the steps.

"Babe that's the wrong country." Pepper replied giving her another kiss.

You shut and locked the door running back to your room with her in your arms. You heard Natasha in the bathroom as you placed Avri in the bed. You placed her bag next to the dresser walking into the bathroom.

"Babe?" You called out. She was brushing her teeth. You leaned on the frame as she looked up at you rinsing her mouth out. "Hi." She smiled leaning up to peck your lips.

"Hey." You grabbed her hands about to break the news. "So I know how you wanted to-"

"Auntie Nat!" She screamed running over to Natasha. She glared at you before bending down to catch the girl who ran into her arms.

"Hi pretty girl. How are you?" She exclaimed lifting her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm good. I'm so excited!" She exclaimed smiling at the two of you. You laughed nervously scratching the back of your neck. "Have you eaten yet?" You asked her as she shook her head.

"How about smiley pancakes?" You suggested as she nodded jumping down. She ran out the room as you in attempt to follow but Natasha grabbed your hand pulling you next to her.

"So you didn't tell me."

"Because I knew you were going to say no." You pouted at her.

"I'm not good with kids." She whispered yelled.

"Well you finna learn today, Natasha please. You and I both can't have kids yet and this is the next big thing. She loves us and asked to be with us." You told her.

"You owe me." She threatened you as you smirked at her.

"I mean.. we have free time Sunday night when she leaves." You whispered in her ear slightly biting it as she pushed you away slightly.

"Haha. No. You are not getting my hot and honey right now." She continued her way downstairs. You chuckled going to the kitchen as Avri talking about random things.

You guys were sitting on the living room floor at the coffee table eating, as she sat in your lap hearing her talk. "So then he called me ugly for whatever reason so I grabbed a bunch of sand and threw it at his face. Then the teacher yelled at me." She pouted grabbing a piece of bacon.

"How dare she?" Natasha dramatically gasped.

"I know! That's when we got back to the classroom, I drew on his desk and blamed it on him." She giggled as Natasha smirked. "That's my girl." She ruffled her hair.

"Auntie Nat and Auntie (Y/N), when are you guys having a baby?" She asked as you bit your lip looking at her.

"Hmm. That's a good question." You trailed off looking at Natasha. She kicked your leg under the table making you

"Since we cant naturally have a baby like your mommy and daddy, we have to go through a process." You told her drinking your coffee. She nodded.

"So you can choose what you want?" She asked.

"Something like that.." Natasha trailed off. Avri nodded.

"Well can you guys hurry up. I want to babysit it like you guys babysit me. I'll be good like you guys!" She pouted looking at you guys. You chuckled.

"We're trying kid." Natasha laughed at you.

"I bet you would be a great baby sitter too. I mean you learn from the best." You tickled her as she laughed.

Ion know what this was...

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