I #22: Loki Laufeyson

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sorta smutty

             You woke that morning with a throbbing head.  You mouth felt like you were chewing on cotton the entire night, your eyes could barely stay opened, and your legs were sore all over. You looked over and saw Loki sound asleep with his arm wrapped around your waist and him shirtless. His hair was all over the place.

You would be lying if you proclaimed that he didn't look good because my God he was everything but extraordinary. But you promised yourself months ago that you would never lay in the same bed with Loki as long as you had breath in you.

That didn't last for long...

You slowly got up slipping on your T-Shirt that you had on last night, it being stretched out, grabbing your phone off the nightstand and attempted to walk out the door but a deep voice cut you off. "And where might you be going?" his morning voice was music to your ears. And as much as you hated to admit you really wanted to get back with the sinful man.

"I am going to my room to wash up. I smell like liquor and my breath stink." you replied. You weren't lying. Just the sight of you from his mirror that he had in his room made you want to throw up.

"For some odd reason, I feel like you are trying to get rid of me." He stood up walking over to you. He on a pair of boxers. Nothing else. You swallowed the lump in your throat staring at everything but him. "Why am I getting this feeling?" he asked grabbing your face looking within your eyes.

"Maybe because I am." you challenged back as he smirked at you. You loved/hated that smirk.

"See this is where I tell you that you are full of shit because for one, if I remember correctly you were the one begging to be with me.." he trailed off. His hands traveled down the stretched out shirt. "Your skin looks so smooth and beautiful in the sunlight.." he whispered attaching his lips to your neck making you gasp.

His cold hands trailed up your shirt to see to no avail that you didn't have a bra on. He clasped your nipples making you moan in pleasure/pain. He pulled away with a slight smirk on his face as he pointed to the door. "I'm pretty sure you want nothing to do with me so you should be on your way. If I'm correct, today is Monday and Monday morning means training." he responded.

You swallowed the lump in your throat turning around until you realized. You turned around and saw him sitting at the edge of the bed with your lace underwear in his hands.

"Really, I should let you go just like that because your room is literally across the hall." he responded then threw it at you. "But I have enough of your underwear in here so leave."


You groaned knowing that Steve was going to put you to work. Just by the obstacle course he set up in the south side field, you knew that you were going to be shit outta luck for today's training. "Steve." you whined walking over to where he is as he turned around smirking at you.

"Oh look who is here? Honestly I thought you weren't going to make it." he laughed making you roll your eyes. You laid your head on his arm as he wrapped his arm around your neck.

"I fell like shit. It feels like your in my head beating my skull with your shield and Thor is beating my brain with his hammer." You pouted.

"Lady (Y/N) I would do no such thing to hurt you.." he pouted as you sighed smiling at him.

"It's fine. She's just being dramatic because she's in pain." Steve laughed. Thor realized and nodded laughing. He walked away as you sat in the grass.

"Never again will I be accepting liquor at one of Tony's party. That was a mistake.." you trailed off. You heard Natasha laugh, making you look up.

"You got so drunk last night. You couldn't find your phone even though you physically had it in your hand calling your number." She laughed making you groan.

"Yeah. Next thing you knew, you and Loki was making his way to his room." she wiggled her eyebrows at you making you cringe. "Don't look at me like that. I walked passed his room last night to get some asprin and all I hear-"

"OKAY!" You exclaimed then winced at the sudden pounding.

"No one is mentioning this. That was.. the past. Today is the present. So let's just get to this training yeah?"


You were looking everywhere for your grandmothers necklace but it was nowhere to be seen. You were getting worried that you lost it at the party, so you were slowly started to tear up. Then you realized that it might be in Loki's room.

You ran to his room to see that he was no where to be seen so you walked in. You looking in the covers, you looked on the nightstand, you looked behind the bed but still no found. You groaned in frustration about to throw the lamp that was next to his bed when you saw his figure standing in the door.

"Looking for this?" he asked holding up the necklace as you stared at him. "I took it off of you last night so that it didn't break." he walked over towards you placing it in your hand as you silently thanked him. "Don't thank me. It would've been awkward as hell looking at your grandmother while fucking you. Might I say that-"

"Loki!" you exclaimed hitting him in his arm as he fake winced.

"Wow that hurt. Like a lot." he pouted as you sighed.

"What happened last night can't happen again.." you trailed off as he stared at you.

"Hmm. You said that the last time. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time-"

"I mean it Loki."

"We'll see."

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