I#47: Bruce Banner

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You try so hard not to put you and Bruce in a situation where he'd Hulk out but sometimes it was just unavoidable. Tonight for example, there was a banquet that the governor of the state was holding, and the Avengers were invited.

A reporter, seemed to be only interested in Bruce. Even when you were next to him, she was all over him not giving any space. He didn't even say anything to her about being all up on him, it seemed like he enjoyed it. It was until you saw she gave him his number and he accepted it and smiled.

You walked into your room with him following you. You threw your heels in the closet walking to the the bathroom, slamming the door. "Oh my gosh (Y/N), it's not that big of a deal." He groaned out. You slammed the door open looking at him.

"No, you have no right what's so ever to tell me what's a big deal. She was all up on you, flirting with you and touching you and you didn't even say anything to her." You pointed a finger at him.

"Because she wasn't freaking flirting with me (Y/N)!" He yelled at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Ooh Mr.Banner your so hilarious and handsome. Oh call me Bruce. Bruce can I have your number. Sure no problem. Fuck the fact that I have a fiancé!" You mimicked their conversation.

"First of all I didn't even get her number. Your being ridiculous." You tilted your head at him squinting your eyebrows at him.

"So you just gonna sit up there and lie to me in my face?" You asked him. "Empty out your pockets Bruce."

"No I'm not."

"Empty. Out. Your. Pockets. Bruce." You replied. You stared at him dead in the face. He went into his pockets pulling out his phone, a pen, and a piece of paper. You grabbed the paper seeing a number with 'call me.' on the bottom.

"But you didn't get her fucking number!" You yelled punching his chest.

"(Y/N)." He warned you. "I didn't tell you because I know you'd act like this!" He yelled back at you.

"Oh fuck you Bruce. If you'd known I'd react like this you shouldn't have gotten her damn number in the first place. And the fact that you weren't going to say anything after even after she was flirting with you says a lot!" You yelled in his face.

He grabbed you the by the shoulders pushing you back. "(Y/N), babe. Move. I don't want to hurt you." He scolded you making you roll your eyes.

"Yeah like getting her number wasn't enough." You walked away. That's when you heard glass break. You turned around seeing the green creep up his neck. Before you could reach the door he was already hulked out.

"TONY CODE GREEN!!" You yelled shutting the door behind you. You tried to keep it shut but obviously, it wasn't working.

Steve and Tony ran down the hall way hearing the ruckus in your guys room. "Friday, launch code green defenses." Tony said as he walked up to the door.

"What happened?" Steve asked you.

"We had a slight disagreement about something and then-" you heard a loud roar and a groan before something falling. "What did you do?" You asked Tony.

"It's a baracade that Bruce helped me design. It should put him to sleep in a couple of seconds." Tony told you. It was quiet before you opened the door again to see Bruce knocked out on the floor.

"Do you need help getting him-"

"No. I got it."


It was the next morning, you and Bruce still haven't spoke a word. You were in deep concentration in the lab when you heard the door slid open. You saw Bruce walk over to Tony whispered something in his ear.

"I need to go be somewhere else that's not in here." Tony replied standing up. Bruce glared at him as Tony shrugged. "You said that. Not me." He grabbed his paper work walking out. Bruce stood across from you looking at you as you stared down at the computer. After five minutes of him just staring at you, you sighed looking up at him.

"Yes Bruce?" You asked him.

"Can we talk about what happened last night?"

"We got into an argument. You got mad. You hulked out. He destroyed our room. Now our room is being repaired. Nothing more to it." You mentioned standing up. You went to walk across the lab but he grabbed your waist pulling you closer.

"(Y/N) you know what I'm talking about.." he trailed off staring at you. You nodded placing the stuff on the counter leaning on it.

"Why did you get get her number?"

"She gave it to me."

"You could of said no."

"I didn't want to be mean." You sighed rubbing your temples.

"Bruce that's the point. Not only did you lie to me about it, there is such thing as saying no. It's not mean. Especially if you have a fiancé. The fact that this girl thinks that she hit it off with you doesn't sit to well with me," you mentioned.

"I'm sorry.." he trailed off kissing the corner of your lips. "I really am." He grabbed your hand. "I didn't mean to Hulk out on you." He finished kissing your knuckles.

"Yeah.. I know.." you trailed off rubbing your neck. "It's just.. I've went through this same path with past relationships and it ended up them cheating on me and-" he cuts you off.

"But I would never cheat on you.." he trailed off as you nodded.

"I know but I can't help that thought that always stays in the back of my head." You confessed to him. "It just feel like sometimes it's too good to be true, and things like this is an open doorway for you to leave." You finished

It was slowly starting to become understood that it was more deeper than being jealous. He placed a kiss on your lips. "I could never leave you. Not when you are the jewel in my life." He smiled as you smiled back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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