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It has been weeks since your passing and everyone and everything hasn't been the same. No one dared walked into your room. No one spoke to each other only for the occasional mission meetings, dinner and that's about it.

They were also noticing a few things. Steve, would notice that his shield would move on it's on in the middle of the night. Tony, would get cold at random moments of the day, especially walking past your room. Natasha's thing being organized on her dresser. Bruce having the feeling that someone was talking to him. Bucky in the middle of the night would feel a presence. And poor Peter has those dreams where it felt like you were talking to him.

It was driving everyone insane but no one wanted to admit that. They didn't want to seem crazy. And sure as hell didn't want to believe that you were stuck here.

It was one night, that Peter woke up from a dream. He saw you in black mist whispering that you were scared and didn't know where to go. He swallowed the lump in his throat, scared that it might be true but how the hell was he supposed to help.

He threw himself back on the bed running his hands through his hair in frustration. That same night, Bucky laid awake when he heard a loud continuous clang. He shot up looking at his metal arm to see magnets stuck to the side.


His eyes literally popped out of their sockets standing up. He knew it was you. You did it when you were alive to ease your anxiety finding it very relaxing. He hated it but he would never say anything to you. Weird but hey.

The next morning, everyone were eating breakfast in silence. Little did they know you stood amongst them, cringing at how awkward everything was. "Okay. Try to make something move." You looked at the glass of orange juice Thor was drinking trying to tip it over. You slid it across the table but only he caught it.

"Ha ha. Very funny spider boy. But stop it." He accuses Peter. Peter looked up highly confused.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Your making my orange drink move. Now stop." You tilted it over, making it spill to the floor.


"AND I SAID IT'S NOT ME YOU BIG OVERGROWN DUMB ASS!" He yelled back at him catching everyone off guard.

"You didn't have to call me a dumbass." He whispered grabbing paper towels to dry it off. You smiled to yourself seeing Peter sticking up for himself.

"Are you Alright kid?" Tony asked putting his hand on his shoulder, as Peter pushed it away.

"No. I'm not alright. I keep having these freaky dreams about her and I'm going crazy. I'm loosing sleep. And no one is acknowledging that there is some weird stuff going around here!" He yelled. You felt bad that you were manipulating him but he was the easiest.

"It's just a coping mechanism your brain does." Bruce sighed leaning back.

"If you think-"

"Last night, magnets were stuck to my arm spelling out I'm here. Now who ever did that it was a fucked up joke unless it's really her." Bucky spoke out looking at everyone.

"Are we really having this conversation right now?" Tony asked. "She's dead."

"So then why is all this weird stuff is happening then? I know Bucky and me aren't the only one who sees this. The freaking orange juice!" Peter pointed to the empty glass.

"Yeah. I didn't want to say anything but my shield moves on it's own." Steve mumbled.

"Oh my g- I'm over this convo."

"Is it really impossible though?" Natasha spoke up. "I noticed things too and it's getting harder to ignore. What if she's really here and we are blowing her off?" She mentioned as Bruce scoffed.

"Natasha that is just unneeded guilt. She's not here!" He yelled. "It's nonsense and impossible."

"Nonsense And Impossible ? We shouldn't really be talking about impossible. I went from fighting Nazis to fucking space aliens. That entire sentence is nonsense."  Bucky added.

"Yeah I'm with Bucky. After being snapped out of existence for five years after fighting aliens then came back to fighting aliens.. is anything really impossible. At this point I'm starting to believe if I chase after a rainbow long enough I'll get to the end and find a pot of gold and leprechauns." Sam added. That made you laugh a little to hard.

The lights started to flicker a bit catching there attention. It went quiet for a bit. "Look at that! That's not a fucking coincidence!" Peter exclaimed standing up. Tony stood up grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Peter! I know you miss her hell we all do! But she's not here! Your filling your head up with the thought and-"

"So what explains the magnets. She's was the only one who did that, and it magically just spelled out I'm Here." Bucky added.

You were getting a bit frustrated hopping off the counters. You tried to do something to get their attention but nothing was working. You started to get angry well..

"What the fuck?" Sam whispered looking at the now open drawers and cabinets. Everyone stared at in shock. Tony let him go as he stared at the cabinets in shock.

"Okay everybody calm down." Bruce said standing up. "There has to be something-"

"Bruce I love you. But if you say something having to do with it being impossible because of science I'm going to literally choke you." Natasha snapped at him.

"Okay. If she's here, we'll try to talk to her." Steve said. Everyone stared at him confused.

"Enlighten me how?" Bruce asked. "Since you have all the brains in the room?" Steve clenched his jaw nearly almost punching him.

"No. We aren't going to fucking talk to her. And if I find out anyone was trying to, I'm going to personally beat your ass." Tony exclaimed walking out. Before he stepped out, you rushed past him. You stood there as he closed his eyes definitely feeling your presence. He closed his eyes ignoring it, walking through you.

"Bruce.." Natasha trailed off.

"You guys are out of your minds," he stood up walking past her. She sighed running her hands through her hazard.

"Alright let's try this again." You whispered going to the refrigerator where the magnets were at. You moved a P dropping it to the floor where everybody could see it. You through it at Bucky arm as they froze.

You took the L, throwing it. "You know what that's it. I'm going to do it." Peter grabbed his things. "I'll do it by myself if I have too."

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