I#25: Bucky Barnes Part 1

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Steve And Bucky ran through the hydra base in attempt to find any survivors. "I don't think there are any people in here Steve." Bucky responded shooting one of the guards who were trying to attack Steve.

"Until we clear this place, we need to look." He replied as Bucky followed his orders. They found a door that was locked, with a key pad.

"Me or you?" Bucky asked as Steve smirked. "You." With that Bucky grabbed the scan code breaking it and ripping the wires letting the door open. What they saw behind the doors petrified the hell out of them.

"What the hell?" Bucky whispered as they slowly walked into the hall filled with glass cells. The people in there looked as if they were burned to death not because of the explosions. They saw the end of the hallway where they saw you gasping for air.

"There!" Steve yelled as they ran over to where you were at. Little did they know, that before the attack was happening the Hydra officials turned off the oxygen supplies in your room.

"It looks like she's suffocating. How the hell we open this?" Bucky yelled over the chaos outside. You heard them and in attempt try to say it at the top of the door. Steve looked at you pointing up as you slowly started to faint into the darkness.

"Above the door!" Bucky slammed it, as it opened. Bucky jumped down grabbing you starring at you. You started to catch your breath but you were still unconscious.

"Well what are we suppose to do with her?" Bucky asked.

"Take her to the tower.."


You woke up in a glass cage, laying in a bed. You had on a pair of black tights, and a sweatshirt with STARK written across it. It was very bright making you wince closing your eyes.

You sat up and stood up, but you fell back down. You saw a pin in your arm as you tried to take it off but it wouldn't . "Your awake?" you saw Tony and a couple of other members standing there but scrunched your eyebrows.

"Who the hell are you?" you rasped out. Your voice was a bit harsh and your throat was sore. You couldn't pin point why considering you haven't been doing any yelling that you knew of.

"We are the ones that saved you." Steve replied.

"What did you guys do to me?"you asked looking at them.

"It's a chip that monitors and balance the serum that is in your blood so that you don't try and break out." Bruce responded back. You went to the glass looking at the man with the metal arm. Suddenly, the entire team looked at you confused.

"Why is her eyes doing that?" Natasha asked.

"I know you." you let out staring at Bucky as he backed up a bit. "They call you the Winter Soldier." You lifted your shirt seeing the burn marks that was on your stomach and arm. "You did this to me."

"Wait, it wasn't him. Well technically it was him, but he-" Steve cut Tony off.

"Tony shut up. Listen to me." Steve looked at you as you clenched your jaw. "You know what Hydra was capable of and they managed to wipe his memory and control him. He doesn't even remember half of the things that he did." He responded. You continued to look at him.

"Why am I even in here?" You whispered. "I don't like it."

"Well there's a lot of things that you have to do in life that you don't like." Tony responded.

"I'm sorry but who are the ones that put me in here?" You asked him.

"Hey, we are pretty much Saving your pretty ass-" Tony started.

"I don't know if the definition of saving someone has been the same since I was locked up but usually when you save someone you don't lock them up and test on them without them knowing." You pointed to the test monitors that obviously held your information. "And for the record my name is (Y/N), not test subject 3." You snapped.

"Maybe you should let her out. Being locked up in a cage after being tortured isn't heavenly." Bucky responded. You looked at him as he stared back intensely.

I don't remember him being this cute..

"I'm sorry but who died and made you captain." Tony asked him.

"I'm with Tony on this one. We don't know what she is capable of."  Steve said as you punched the glass.

"Let me out!" You yelled punching the glass until it started to crack. They saw blood between the cracks.

"Okay Banner, knock coocoo for coacoa puffs out." Tony says. He pushes a button and the next thing you know you were out.


You woke up again with your hand bandaged up and your head hurting again. "Here, I thought you'd be hungry." You looked over and saw Bucky sitting there with a hamburger and fries pushing it over to you. You were hungry as hell so you didn't question it grabbing the food and immediately digging in.

You could feel his stare on you as you swallowed the huge bite of hamburger. "Stop staring at me." You told him as he continued to stare at you. You rolled your eyes, stuffing your face with fries.

"I wanted to apologize. It was never in my attentions to-" you cut him off.

"Don't apologize. If it's true that you can't remember then what am I going to do?" You asked him drinking the water. You saw the cameras in the room rolling your eyes. "I know those bastards are looking at me." You mumbled wiping your hands, licking your teeth. "You know it's very inhumane to do this to someone right. I want to be out of here and no one is listening to me. I feel like a fucking Dog." You snapped.

"You know, test subject 1 and 2 are Steve." He randomly
said as you sat back on the wall. "I've been here for about a year now and it have helped me." He responded. You looked at him then chuckled. "What?"

"I'm sorry but if they are sending you in here to persuade me that being locked up is best for me, then you can dismiss yourself. I know what I am capable of and I know how to control it. This-" you pointed to the chip that was on your arm. "Is not right for me. Especially if it knocks me out every time I do something that they don't like."

Bucky stared at you as you rubbed your burnt arm. He couldn't help but feel sorry for what happened. He didn't know what to say, so he grabbed the trash about to leave. "I'll try and persuade them to let you leave the cage."

And with that he left.

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