I#23: Tony Stark

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You landed on your feet as you were surrounded by men who were in dark armor. You swallows the lump in your throat that somehow formed making you bite your lip inside your armor in fear.

"Whitney, what am I looking at?" You whispered. You stared out when you saw what seemed to be Natasha Romanoff, one of the agents that worked in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"It seems like you are surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents." She responded making you sigh. You were in a sticky situation until you realized you were stuck and most likely was set up.

"Let this be easy and just show your identity and there won't be any consequences." Natasha said with a deadly tone.

"Do I have any choices?" You whispered to Whitney.

"At the moment. No. Your best bet is to surrender.." she trailed off making you close your eyes.

"Do me a favor and take the guns from pointed at me, please." You told them out loud, using your voice changer in the suit.

"Now you and I both know that we can't do that. You are the most wanted person in North America. And we can't even put a face to your name." Nick laughed as you bit your lip. Weighing your options you stood down.

"Whitney, power down the suit." And with that your suit started to form back into the bracelet as they stared at you in shock.

"(Y/N)?" They both said in shock. You held out your hands ready to be arrested.

"Just do it already."

You looked outside the glass window pushing your glasses on your head. "Whitney, give me view through window." You whispered so you weren't to loud.

"I'm sorry, but it seems like I can't. Is audio fine?" She asked.

"Most definitely."

"I don't understand! How the hell did she get access to the technology!?" You heard Nick yell.

"I mean, we were together for quite sometime." You heard the oh so familiar voice say. You closed your eyes knowing Tony was apart of this situation. "But there is no way in hell she stole any equipment from me. All of my technology that leaves that building has a security breach and none was triggered within the year we haven't talked." He finished.

"Well I am so glad that I can reunite you guys but I want you to go in there and see how on Gods green earth she managed to build some tech like that. She stole information from us and that's on her part." The audio turned off as you sat back in the chair when the door opened. There he stood most handsome than ever. You bit your lip looking down.

"Hey (Y/N)." He mumbled sitting across from you as you continued to look at the ground. "You know why I'm here." He simply said making you look up at him.

"Good for me." You rolled your eyes snatching at the handcuffs.

"Where did the suit go?" He asked you, you shrugged your shoulders. "Alright. How did you manage to build that equipment." He asked leaning back as you shrugged your shoulders. "Stop bullshitting (Y/N)! You are in some deep shit right now and I can't help you if you don't help me."

"Huh, I don't know.. maybe I didn't ask for your fucking help. Have that ever crossed your mind?" You asked him as he stared at you.

"Technology like that is bad as it is. That's going to cause issues- "

"Oh like Ultron?" You asked him as he clenched his jaw.

"Don't even go there. You know- " but you cut him off.

"Fuck off. At least I'm not bringing my tech to life. I'm building this tech to help people not to make money off of it. So you can tell that over grown tree branch in there to suck it. I would rather help people protect themselves and go to jail, then to do it for fun and have people kiss the ground I walk on." You responded back looking at your lap.

"Whatever happened to you?" He asked you as you let out a bitter laugh.

"You happened to me Tony. You were the only thing that I had yet you cheated and left me. You lied to them and said that I stole important information from them. So you have no room for an opinion. I don't need your help so fuck off." You told him as he stared at you in shock. "Oh so they don't know you cheated on me? What did you tell them Tony?" You asked him as he got up and walked out. You shook your head.

"Whitney. Audio- "

"No problem." And with that you were listening to their convo.

"You said that she left you without any trace Tony, what the hell!?" You heard Natasha exclaim.

"I couldn't tell you guys that she caught me and Pepper together. That would've broken the Avengers and- " He started but he was cut off.

"Tony is it true that she stole information?" You heard Fury say as Tony sighed.

"Pepper told me that records of information that was given between me and S.H.I.E.L.D was discovered missing when Pepper said that it had to be her because she was the only one with access of it. And so was Pepper."

"So you decided to think with your dick instead of with your brain. I had to cut ties with her!" Natasha yelled. "Was there any proof related to her and those files!?" She yelled at him.

"I couldn't  find any.." Tony whispered. It was silent before the door was open and Fury walked in. You continued to look at the ground. He grabbed your hand undoing the handcuffs and sitting across from you.

"(Y/N) you were one of my best agents. We didn't know that there was foul play going on and I personally would like to come apologize. We heard that Ms.Potts- "

"Lied about me stealing information to get with Tony. It doesn't take a genius to add two and two together. I literally lost everything because of these people and when I decided to do good I was in the wrong still. Get that sour ass apology and fuck yourself with it. Like c'mon now, was it really all that bad to investigate? The people I genuinely thought was my family turned their heads on me because of some pretty girl with blonde hair and a good reputation." You told them.

"I understand that and there is no way to make this up. But we need to know how you are building that technology." You stared at him.

"Get those handcuffs and lock me back up. Because if it really has to come down to helping your chaotic work life or helping others then this is the way I'm choosing."

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