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          You looked at the papers in front of you, as Rhodes and Sam argued. You sighed bringing your thumb up to your lip biting on your nail, something you'd do when you were in deep thought. "Tony." You spoke up as everybody looked at you. "What are you doing?" you asked sitting back in your seat.

"The Avengers was founded based on the fact to keep people safe. We can't keep people safe if we are killing people in the process. Innocent lives, not criminals." he stood up pointing to the papers. "We need order. This-"

"This is not order. We are not government property." Steve responded standing up.

"Yeah but you were so happy in the forty's to give your life to the government to prove something." Rhodes responded.

"Oh give him a break. I- " Sam started but Natasha spoke up. "Maybe, we should do this." she replied. Everyone stared at her in shock. Even you did.

"Wait, are you agreeing with me?" Tony replied as she rolled her eyes. "Shut it, or I will take take it back." she responded.

"Is this the same woman that told the government to kiss her ass? Or am I just lost.." Sam responded as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry but I'm not signing it." Wanda responded.

"I'm not either. I'm not finna be the governments Bitch to the point when ever they tell me to bark I go wag my tail." You responded catching everyone off guard.

"(Y/N).." Vision started.

"We are all about doing good and following the good people but look where it ended us. SHIELD, the people that we thought was the best of the best was over ran by bad people. Who says that when we go under their jurisdiction that they are for the good." You finished. Steve stared at you nodding. "It's already hard enough to control these god forsaken powers, and best believe that I know better then anyone in this life the damage they can do. I can barely control them now so what makes you think some white men in a suit will do for me? No one in this room can speak for me, the only person close enough would probably be Wanda." You responded.

"You need to think this threw. This thing is like rouges and we need to have order!" Tony responded.

"By them telling us when we should be good?" Sam replies.

"They tell us where to go, right? That's going to give us something that can help us-"

"Help us? No, it's helping them. What if they don't send us where we really need to be." You stood up.

"I'm not signing away my rights. So tell that man to suck it."

You ran threw the airport with Bucky and Sam. "What the hell is that?" You looked over and saw a red and blue suit on the window.

"What in the-" You were cut off when he went through the glass. He kicked Sam out of the way, and swung at you, but you ducked. Bucky went to swing, but the dude caught his arm examining it.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" You two stared at him, seeing that it was an actual kid. Before you two could react Sam dodged into him sending him a couple feet. You ran after him. He shot a couple of webs getting from his grip.

"Did Tony really hire some kid that haven't even hit puberty yet!?" you yelled.

"Hey I'm 15!" he screamed. You guys ran behind a pole, before you heard him say. "I think you left something!"you turned to look but saw a pole coming at your head before Bucky grabbed you. Sam flew down, but that was shortly cut off when his wings got web between them.

He was now next to the two of you, who were over a overhead when Spider-Man??, came into view. Bucky, again saving the day, jumped in front of you two taking the fall. He shot both of your arms, Bucky's metal arm, and Sams hand to his chest.

"Sorry guys but I really need to impress Mr.Stark. So-" before he could finish, he was flying out the window. You laid your head on the ground groaning.

"You couldn't do that sooner?"

"I hate you."

"Can you both stop arguing for like.. 10 minutes. Please. We just got our ass handed to us..by a toddler."


You sat facing the wall, when you heard the door open. "Oh look who it is!" you heard Clint yell. You continued looking at the wall, when you heard a couple of people talking. You heard them bicker back and forth before you felt a presence at your entrance.

"You realize that you were wrong.." you trailed off turning around to face him. He looked down, almost in shame. "It hurts you to admit that you were wrong." you walked up to the glass as he looked up at you.

"How is Rhodes?" you asked him, he sighed scratching the back of his neck.

"He might be paralyze."

"We didn't mean for anything like this to happen. It's just-" you froze trying to figure out the right words to say. He looked at you with companion in his eyes throwing you off guard. "When you are locked up your entire life and you get blessed enough to have that bit of freedom only for it to be taken away again, you want to fight with everything you have." you told him as a tear fell down your eye. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. We don't mean to get anyone hurt." you whispered the last part sinking on your knees. "I'm sorry."


You were reading a book, that one of the guards gave you to keep you quiet since you were singing old songs. You knew you were driving them crazy, but something entertaining would be nice.

As you licked your finger to turn the page, there was a power outage. "What the hell?" You heard Scott say as you stood up.

"What in the-" That's when you saw one of the guards be thrown against your pod. You looked up and saw Steve standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Miss me?"

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