W H E N T H E Y 'R E M A D

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You know when Tony is mad at you because he's being sarcastic. Simple questions would have a smart come back which got on your nerves. He'd avoid you at any cost.


Steve would just come straight out and tell you that he's mad. He has a very stern voice and face, which is very unlike him. He'd tell you how he feel which is good so you aren't second guessing yourself.


You can never tell when Bucky is mad. He acts the same way with either emotion so it was like a game of chess trying to figure out why he's mad. Eventually after nagging him, he'd give in and say.


When Peter was mad you could tell right away. He is usually very clingy so when he distance himself from you, you could tell that something was up. You'd have to pry the truth out of him.


You'd know when Bruce was mad because he would try to distant himself. You'd respect that, the both of you knowing what could happen if you push him to that point. After that you guys would talk it out.


Clint would let it be known that he was mad at you. He'd tell you straight up what was the issue. Sometimes it would lead into an argument if you knew for a fact you didn't do anything wrong, or it'd end up in you apologizing knowing you did something wrong.


Natasha was pretty rude when she was mad. Especially if you were the one that made you mad. She'd say some hurtful things that she knew better not to say to you on the regular. That's how you knew something was bothering her.


Wanda would use her powers to show you her side of the story. Sometimes it would be difficult to show how she really felt so she'd just show you the best way you knew how. If it was an understandable cause, then you'd apologize.


Pietro wasn't great at showing emotions but his body language gave it all away. He'd have his arms crossed over his chest and he would ignore your stare. After countless of times of asking him what's wrong, he'd finally give in and tell you.


Obviously when Thor was mad at you, it would just so happen that a thunder storm would hit the area that you guys were in. It'd be sudden so you'd know it was him. There was no way of avoiding it neither.


Usually when Loki is mad, he'd give settle suggestions. Like breathing real loud, sighing continuously. You'd ask him what's wrong but he would just brush you off. After giving up he'll finally tell you what was wrong. He was pretty petty.

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