I #6: Clint Barton Part 1

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         "Shut the hell up!" You groaned throwing your weapons on the table. "I swear, you bitch more then all of the girls in this entire building!" You exclaimed at Clint.

You guys never got along. You never knew why, but as soon as you stepped into the tower to become an Avenger, he made your life a living hell. Complaining about little shit, messing you up during missions, saying how you weren't worthy enough to be an avenger. Usually you'd brush this shit off, but when it happens every day for the last year and a half, you would snap eventually.

"No! If I feel like my life is in danger because some idiot doesn't know how to properly handle a situation, I'm going to fucking say something!" He yelled back at you making you scoff.

"Oh please! I had it handled did I not? Did we end up getting the documents because of me? Oh, I think we did. Get your head out of your ass Clint." You responded back turned to your room. Yet he continued to follow you.

"My head!? Up my ass!? You are so full of yourself I can't understand it. Dumb bitch." You stopped in your tracks turning around and stared at him.

"The fuck did you just call me?" You growled out. Your eyes start to glow because of your powers, and he got the hint backing up. "What.Did.You.Just.Call.Me?" You walked closer to him as he took steps back.

"I-I- "

"That's what I thought. Gosh you are such a dick for what? I literally just be here minding my fucking business and you have some shit to say. Leave me the fuck alone sometimes. You make me not even want to be apart of this team!" You turned back around going in your room, and slamming the door shut. As pity and stupid as it sounds, you actually thought he was attractive. But his actions just turned you off. He made your life a living hell here in the Avengers. There has been multiple times where thought of resigning but you knew that would just be hell.

After taking a shower, and falling asleep you woke back up around eight at night. You got out of bed slipping on one of your many sweaters and walking down stairs. You heard laughter and talking. You made it downstairs where Thor saw you and smiled.

"Lady (Y/N), your here!" He exclaimed walking over to you picking you up, making you laugh.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You asked him as he placed you down on the ground.

"Well we heard you say you didn't want to be here.." he pouted at you. You look back at the others to see them starting at you, but you couldn't decide what those looks meant. You looked at Clint who was sitting there looking at you twirling that stupid drum stick.

"No Thor. That's not what I meant. I was just irritated." You reassured him tracing his cheek as he smiled.

"Good! That's great!" He turned back around to finish whatever he was doing, as you grabbed a plate to fix you dinner.

"Congratulations on your mission doll. It helped us out a lot." Steve told you as you shot him a smile as Clint scoffed.

"Even though she almost got us killed." He mumbled. You ignored the comment.

"What?" Natasha asked looking up from the file making you sigh.

"I didn't know that there were guards and he was taking to long. I took them all by myself because home boy over here was debating on going or not." You confessed.

"As if. You were being stupid."

"Like that compares to your stupidity on a day to day basis." You grabbed your plate.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something here?" Sam asked looking between you two.

"Why is she even here? Like I see no reason why she is even apart of this team when all she causes is-"

"I cause what? I haven't even said anything to you and you say dumb shit all the fucking time Clint!" You yelled at him.

"How about we all just calm down and- "

"If she keeps fucking with me she's gonna end up like her mother." It was dead silent before you threw your plate of food in his direction as he ducked it. You went to attack him, but Steve and Natasha grabbed you.

"No the food!" Thor yelled.

"Keep my mother out of your fucking mouth!" You yelled as they pulled you upstairs. After calming you down Natasha grabbed your hand.

"What is it between you two?" She asked. After that your emotions caught you.

"I don't do anything to him and he makes my life a living hell here. Everything that I do, there is always something wrong. Or I'm not good enough to be on this team. Like he bring up my dead mother. How cruel do you have to be to stoop that low!" You cried as Steve pulled you in a hug.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" She asked you.

"No. It's fine. I just want to leave here." You mumbled wiping your tears away as Steve pulled away.

"You can't. We want you here."

"No I won't leave the Avengers. Just get a place on my own.." you trailed off looking at your fingers.

Natasha left you and Steve and made her way to the kitchen to see Clint standing there. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Natasha asked him grabbing him by his shirt.

"I-I didn't mean to bring up her mom I was just mad and -"

"Mad!? At what!? She doesn't even want to be here because of you, fucking idiot!" She exclaimed.

Clint stood there looking at her in shock.

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