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t o n y

When you and Tony got into arguments, it was very.. interesting. You both were sarcastic so you both would say some very meanful things. But it wasn't like either of you took it to the heart knowing how the both of you could be. Finally, when giving the silent treatment to each other one would crack. If he was in the wrong, you'd be in the kitchen stress baking, and he'll come wrap his hands around your waist kissing your neck whispering apologies. If you were in the wrong, you'll find him messing with his suits. You'll come lay a head on his shoulder telling him how much you missed him.

s t e v e

Steve was a sweetheart. So he'd try to defuse the argument before it could be blown out of proportion. He could sense when you were mad, so he'd grab your hand and kiss it. Apologies spilling out. But when the arguments were blown out of proportion and you guys were yelling at each other, you guys would separate for a bit. He'd sleep on the couch leaving you in your room. In the night, when you miss him, you'd make your way downstairs to see him sitting up. He'd catch you but look away like he didn't. Taking matters in your own hand, you'd sit next to him cuddle up in his chest. It'd take him a minute before he'd give in. Wrapping his arm around you kissing your forehead.

b u c k y

You and Bucky were as stubborn as they could come. You guys didn't argue a lot, but when you guys did it was terrible. Both of you guys had a temper problem. So curse words were said, things were thrown. You not wanting to be in a mist of something happening, you'd just leave without telling him where you'd go. Either it was on the beach, or to another part of the tower so that he couldn't bother you. Giving each other a couple of days to just relax and let the steam go. Finally you'll come back open and cleared minded to talk it out.

p e t e r

Peter was the most emotional one in the relationship. Yeah you'd cry, but if you had a pretty heated argument it ended up in him begging him not to leave him. He was very vulnerable, thinking that everytime you guys argued was an open window for you guys to breakup. You having to tell him that when a couple argues doesn't mean you guys are breaking up. It's simple just a disagreement.

b r u c e

When you guys were having an argument, you both needed to be careful not to get him to be angry. So before the argument could get worse, you'd walk out. He'd just stay in the lab to keep his mind off of you. You'd go to the lawn and look at the stars. He'd find you asleep on the lawn, waking you up gently. He'd start apologizing. You'd apologize too feeling bad. Then you'd guys would go into your room to cuddle and fall asleep.

c l i n t

When there was a disagreement, Clint wasn't vocal. He'd just look at you and just say nothing. It would make you mad because it makes you look crazy. Then you'd start to yell at him at him for not saying anything back. After that he'd say something smart like, 'well what do you want me to say.' then you sit there and look stupid. You'd get frustrated and turn to leave but he'd grab you by the waist turning you around. He'd say something up the lines of hating to argue with you and just wants to be with you.

n a t a s h a

You two were stubborn. So it was very hard for the either of you to come together and come to an agreement. During the argument she'd say some hurtful things to go and in retaliation you'd say something just as worse. The guys knew not to come in between you guys so you'd just be spaced between each other. Finally when it took one of you guys to admit who was wrong, you'd come together again. And be peaceful.

w a n d a

You guys never really did argue. You guys were the innocent ones on the team so when you guys argued it'd be about something small. Like leaving clothes on the floor, or her using her powers on one of the mates or you. She hated when you screamed at her and would start crying. You'd feel bad, but you were too angry to even acknowledge it. You'd walk away but she'd grab you hugging you apologizing.

p i e t r o

Pietro took everything as a joke. He was a sweetheart, but he didn't take anything serious. Even when you were in an argument. You'd be mad, literally fuming about something and he'd make a joke. It would take him to realize that you were crying and leaving him to realize that you were serious, and on the edge of tears to be serious. He'd try to fix whatever he did wrong.

t h o r

When you guys got into an argument, he just wanted space. You on the other hand wanted to talk it out with him. He'd get frustrated, and we all know what happens when the god of thunder get's mad. You'd get scared and upset, so you'd walk away. He realized what happened and try to fix what happen. He'd find you silently crying looking at the thunderstorm he caused. He'd sit next to you as you apologized in his chest.

l o k i

When you guy went at it, it could be violent. When you felt like you were being disrespected, you'd want to physically fight. Old habits die hard. You both would be frustrated with each other and up saying some hurtful things. Knowing Loki, he take everything to the heart. He'd be all mad. You'd grab him and kiss him all over his face knowing he'd eventually give in.

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