I#25: Bucky Barnes Part 2

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| Three Weeks Later |

It has been three weeks since you were locked up in the cage and it was started to get to you. You couldn't sleep, you couldn't concentrate, and overall you were starting to loose all hope of ever getting out.

Bucky on the other hand was trying his best to make you as comfortable as he could. After telling him that you liked reading books, he made his way to the library down town and grabbed you about seven different books. All about astronomy and astrology. He even sat in the cage with you letting you teach him a few things and he genuinely felt interested.

Instead of eating with the rest of the Avengers, he would come eat with you. You were slowly starting to crush on the man, but all things were changed when he came in the one Friday morning.

You were reading The Twelve Houses, when the door opened as he stood there with the door opened. You looked at him confusingly. "Well aren't you going to step out?" He asked with a smirk.


"Don't be too surprised." Tony walked in making you roll your eyes. "We made you a level so that we can keep an eye on you, but you have your own room where you can lock it yourself. We have monitors in there to track your health status. You also have clothing and stuff that women needs so... that's that." He responded as you smiled. They looked at you surprised.

It was the first time you smiled in years.

"Hm would you look at that. CooCoo for CoCoa puffs actually have a smile. And it's pretty." Tony responded pushing a button. You saw the chip that was on your arm fall off as you started to feel a bit dizzy. Bucky held on to you as you sighed.

"Yeah, you'll feel like that for a couple of hours. The serum is processing through your veins." Tony responded. "He will show you to your new room. You can go outside but only to the North field. Got it?" Tony responded as you nodded. He left making you look up to Bucky.

"Did you do this?" You asked him. He sighed looking up playfully.

"I mean, I mentioned a few times to the point where they were annoyed with me. There is talk that they are going to train you to become an avenger though." He walked you out.

You turned and looked at him. "Bucky, thank you. I wish there was a way I can return the favor." You told him, hoping he could tell you something.

"Well there is just this one thing..." he trailed off as you lifted your eyebrows. "Can I take you on a date? Well, a movie date considering that I can't take you out yet. Then after we can attempt to make dinner." He responded as you smiled at him.

"Yeah. When?"

"Tonight. At 8."


To be completely honest, you couldn't remember the last time you had a date. And it's not exaggerating because you don't remember anything from your past so you were scared.

You threw on an outfit the best way you could possible without looking horrible. Just simple black leggings, a white knitted sweater and a pair of white socks.

You hair was bit of a problem. Luckily, they had all the right products but you haven't done your own hair in a bit.

You grabbed a long sock out of the drawers, rolling it up into a sock, and settled on a simple donuts bun letting out strands of your hair. It was simple yet cute. You heard a knock on your door. You walked over to it seeing Bucky standing there with a bag from Walgreen and flowers.

"It's been a while since I did this dating thing. Girls still like to receive flowers right?" he asked scratching the back of his neck as you smiled.


After the movie, you guys were in the kitchen making home made pizza. You guys were just talking about the most random things trying to get to know each other a bit more. "I mean it wasn't all that bad. I got to meet very close people and fought with my best friend." Bucky responded telling you stories about war.

"Enough about me though. What do you remember?" he asked you spreading the cheese on the paper as you pulled yourself up sitting on the counter.

"There isn't a lot that I really remember. It's slowly starting to come back to me thanks to those plums you gave me a couple of weeks back." you responded as he smiled chuckling.

"It helped me remember. So what do you remember?"

"I remember a pink room. Very girly. With dolls and all that. A house, that had a steps leading up to the porch." you tried to remember those distant memories. "It get's frustrating sometimes when I don't remember. It get's even more frustrating when I remember those people that I killed over those distant memories that I want to remember." you trailed off. He looked down wiping his hands.

"If you can forgive me for doing this-" he trailed his metal hand down your burned arm. "You can forgive yourself for doing things you had no control over." he whispered to you. You nodded your head wiping a tear you didn't know escaped.

"You have a way with words Barnes." you chuckled smiling at him. He gave you a small smile back turning around to place the pizzas in the oven. You jumped down going to the other side sitting on the bar stools.

"I have a quick question." you started as he came next to you sitting down. "Why did you help me?" you asked him as he sighed.

"Other then me feeling bad about doing that to you, I could understand where you were coming from. As soon I was free I was locked up again and it wasn't the best. I felt so.. vulnerable and I hate being vulnerable. No one deserves to be treated like that even it's for the safety." he responded. You sat there for a second thinking about what he said. "Plus, over these past couple of weeks I have became very keen to who you are." he responded making you smile.

You chuckled looking at him. "You know, obviously there wasn't really a way for me to feel a certain way about someone when being locked up in the God forsaken place but with you. I feel something." you whispered to him as he smiled. He got a little bit closer to you as your breath hitched. You looked at him in his eyes as he metal hand found his way to your cheek.

"May I kiss you?" You answered for him when you placed a long peck on his lips. You went to pulled away but he grabbed your waist pulling you closer capturing your lips one more time. This time, the kiss was more passionate.

You hands trailed up his chest, over his shoulder as one of your hands found there way to his hair. Your tongues fought for dominance, him obviously winning. You pulled away in attempt to get some air when you smiled at him.

"Does this mean we can be something?" he asked you, hope obvious in his voice as you smiled at him.

"Most definitely." And with that you shared another passionate kiss.

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