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Tony- peanuts 🥜

"Hi Guys! I made cookies!" Pepper exclaimed. You, got all excited stood up looking at the freshly made cookies. Tony chuckled at your reaction but he followed after.

"Damn these smell good." Natasha mumbled as you grabbed a cookie and ate it. You moaned at the taste.

"Fuck Pepper, what are in these?" You moaned taking another bite.

"Oh, vanilla, lemon extract, peanut oil. Also I-"

"Wait peanut oil?" Tony asked as you looked at the cookies in shock. That's when you felt your throat start to close. You stared at him then grabbed the counter.

"Oh shit." Natasha replied grabbing you.

"Get the Epipen!!"

Steve- pollen 🦠

Steve decided that it would be a good idea to go outside for training. Which was a bad idea.

You were sparring with Steve but kept sneezing and clearing your throat. You accidentally sneezed in his face as he froze.

"Oh my gosh babe I'm so sorry. It's just spring and it's a lot of pollen in the air." You told him standing up making him chuckle. He grabbed the towel wiping his face making you cringe.

"It's okay. Go inside. We can finish later in the inside court." He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'd give you a kiss on the lips but... no."

Bucky- shell fish 🦀

You crossed your arms in anger looking at everybody have the time of their lives eating crabs and shrimp while you were stuck eating some basic as dish.

"Hey (Y/N), you want some shrimp -oh wait. You can't have none!" Sam laughed at you. Sad thing is, you were a seafood fanatic. So being allergic to it sucked. Usually you'd drink some Benadryl so it didn't effect you later but you forgot.

"Fuck off tweety bird." You flipped him off. Your boyfriend, Bucky, looked at you pouting. He knew how much you loved it.

"I'm sorry love. Later on I'll take you out for frozen yogurt." He smiled at you as you smiled back. You went to give him a kiss on the lips, but he stopped you.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Peter- (lactose intolerant. I know it isn't an allergy but same thing.)🥛

Peter stared at you as you are the ice cream in front of him. "Babe, your playing with fire right now." He told you making you roll your eyes.

"I'm here for a good time not a long time." You responded back.

"Tell that to your stomach when your throwing up out of your other end. I love you but it can get a little atrocious." He winced as you threw a pillow at him.

Let's just say... he was right.

Bruce - kittens 🐈

"Baby your a scientist. Give me some portion that will help me not be allergic." You whined making him look at you. You saw an add for the local pet shop selling kittens for only five dollars.

"That'd take a lot of research and trials. And I'm not risking your life for some kittens." You looked at him confused.

"Babe, the only thing that's going to happen is I sneeze. Not the life changing." You told him.

"But with this 'potion', who says that it has good results. How about I get you a fish?" He asked you making you pout.

"The last time I had a fish your science experiment killed him. I still yet have to call PETA on you."

Clint - penicillin 💊

You were in the emergency room because of an intense ear affection. "Who would ever known you'd be taken down by a freaking ear affection?" Clint teased you as you cuddled into his chest annoyed.

"Fuck you Barton. I'm pretty sure the greatest people in the world have had ear affections." You sighed as he placed a kiss on your forehead. "I'm only kidding love."

"Alright. We are going to give you penicillin so that it can clear the infection." The doctor gave you a pill. You took it. He left but then a couple minutes later you face start to tingle.

"Babe. Your lips." You touched your lips feeling how swollen they were. Then your eyes start to swell.

"Go get the doctor!"

Natasha- bee stings 🐝
You guys were on a mission at a hydra base. You were outside taking on some guards when you felt a sting on your neck.

Paying no attention to it, you sliced the mans neck jumping down to go find the rest of the of the crew. "Hey guys!" You exclaimed walking in. They saw you and starred at you.

"Babe.. are you okay?" Natasha asked as you nod. You started to itch. A lot.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" You asked scratching your head as they looked at each other.

"I think you got sting by a bee. Your breaking out in hives." She responded. You looked down at your hands to see that it was true.

"Oh shit."

Wanda- wool 🐑

"Pietro fucking stop it!" You yelled throwing a cup at him as he chased you around the house with a fucking wool blanket. The only reason why he didn't catch up with you was because you was a speedster also.

"Pietro!" He threw the blanket on your face running away. You pulled it off as Wanda stared at you in shock.

"That freaking idiot!" She yelled as you started to itch.

"I'll go get the pink lotion."

Pietro- latex
It seemed like after you and Pietro got a couple of drinks in you, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself. After about 5 minutes of getting undressed, he was about to put on a condom but you stopped him.

"Wait. I'm allergic to latex." You told him as he tilted his head to the size.

"Is that an excuse to get me raw or are you really allergic?" He asked you making you bite your lip.

"Both. But I'm on birth control so we're good." You told him as he smiled at you.

"Oh thank God."

Thor- Chocolate 🍫
You sat in your room watching T.V, when you heard you door burst open. "Oh my gosh! Look at this goodness!" Thor exclaimed with chocolate all over his face as you smiled at him. "Try one!"

"I'm sorry. I can't. I'm allergic to it.." you trailed off as he pouted.

"How could you be allergic to such thing. It's like heaven in my mouth. Kinda reminds me of you." He winked at you as you rolled your eyes playfully.

"I don't know. Every time I eat it, I throw up. I promise you that's not heavenly." You pouted as he continued to eat it.

"I wish we had something like this on Asgard. Gosh you people don't know how lucky you are."

Loki- flowers 🌺

You and Loki walked outside hand in hand. "Awe look at the flowers!" You exclaimed looking at how beautiful they were. It was kind of crazy how you could be allergic to such beautiful things.

He went and grabbed one for you as you pouted. He realized what happened and threw it back in the bed.

"I'm sorry. I tend to forget that you are allergic.." he trailed off as you smiled pecking his lips.

"It's okay babe. Thought that counts."

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