🚫I#51: Pietro Maximoff

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There was no denying that Pietro Maximoff was a complete and total dream. His perfect body, his perfect face, the way he spoke, his little Russian sayings. He was every girls dream boy and you were so lucky to have him. You guys have been dating a little over a year now and things were great. you guys rarely argued and you guys loved the presence of each other.

Pietro was in the bathroom doing his skin care routine. Don't judge him, he liked having perfect clear skin.

He was exfoliating his beard, considering he was about to shave it. he turned on the razor and was about to go at it until you walked in. "Babe, have you- what are you doing?" You starred at him. You knew what he was about to do, and you were scared. You didn't want him to shave it off.. for personal reasons.

"I'm about to shave my beard." He responded touching it, you stared at him. He have done it in the past. you weren't really a fan of beardless Pietro it caused you great pleasure.

"What? Why?" you asked him, in complete confusion. You tilted your head at him, seeing this gesture.

"Because I want to?" he answered in more of a question state. "Why so press?"

"It's nothing, can you just leave it?" you asked him, hoping he wouldn't press the topic any more. He squinted his eyebrows at you in suspense.

"Not until you tell me. Tell me or it's coming off." you both stared at each other for a couple of seconds before you sighed. He crossed his arms over his chest, smirking at you.

"Well- when we do.. certain things. Like sexual things." you started. It was so hard to cough up the truth, and he was having a blast seeing you struggle. "Take your time darling. We have all day." he leaned against the counter licking his lips, looking at you.

"Why do you have to make me say it? I feel like you are only doing this to get a laugh." you pouted at him. He threw his hands up in surrender and innocence.

"I'm not laughing though." he was trying so hard not to laugh. You gave up rolling your eyes. Obviously upset, you turned around to walk out the door.

"Know what? Forget it, I'm leaving." you opened the door, but using his speed his slammed the door shut making you turn around. You looked at him tilting your head.

"Okay, I was getting a laugh. But I could fill in the blanks." he whispered leaving butterfly kisses up and down your neck. You sighed happily at the feeling, as he placed his hands on your hips. "We haven't done anything a while.." he trailed off. You looked up at him, then smirked.

"I know. We've been busy doing missions." It was true. It was like the both of you guys were busy to your knees with missions and training. It was like every time one of you came the other was going.

He pulled away from your neck, looking at you in the face. You both had sexual needs that were beyond understanding. Your hands wrapped around the back of his neck pulling him close to yours. As you guys kissed his hands found their way to behind your thighs. He easily lifted you up, you wrapping your legs around your thighs.

He walked over to the counter, placing you on the sink, still connected. You pulled away reaching for his shirt, pulling it over his head. "Well you aren't wasting any time are you?" he smirked at you. You kissed him again, then pulled away.

"Nope. I know you like it." you smirked at him licking your lips. He kissed you again. "You know me so well." he chuckled. You grabbed his face kissing him again. The shirt you had on was ripped off as you backed up once more.

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