I #10: Thor Odinson

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        It was another Friday night where you was alone in your room, reading another romance novel. You had a cup of wine next to you, some strawberries, and you wore one of Tony's sweatshirts. Your hair was conditioned and twisted wrapped up in a scarf, and you had on a face mask. So life at the moment was perfect.

You stood up reading the book still with the glass of wine in your hands to stretch out your legs when you door opened. You turned around and saw Thor standing there with sweat shorts, a muscle T, and some house shoes.

Everybody in the tower knew you had the biggest crush on the god. Not only was he very good looking, he was a complete sweet heart.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't have pants on." he replied blushing as you shrugged your shoulders.

"No worries, can't see anything." you twirled showing him placing the book and cup on the dresser. You peeled off of your face mask off throwing it in the dresser. "What can I do you for?" You asked him.

"Can we go to- what do you guys call it, the food mart?" He asked making you smile.

"You mean Walmart?"

"Yes! Walmart! I don't understand why you guys call it that. It's not selling walls." He pouted.

"You'd be surprise. Walmart literally has everything.." you chuckled. "But yeah, we can go. Lemme just get dressed and I'll meet you in the garage yeah?" You told him as he nodded. He stepped it, letting you put a pair o yoga pants and some ugg boots. You put a beanie on top of your head and walked to Tony's room seeing him do something to one of his tablets.

"Tony!" You exclaimed walking in his room as he looked up at you rolling his eyes.

"And what do you want?" He asked looking at you as you skipped to where he was.

"Can I borrow your car for like.. an hour. Or two?" You asked him as he looked at you then bursted out laughing.

"Your hilarious." He shook his continuing what he was doing.

"Please. Thor wants to go to Walmart and I do too." You pouted as he looked at you.

"Is it because you wanna get some alone time with him?" He smirked at you making you roll your eyes. "My keys are on the kitchen table." He finished making me smile. I turned back around.

"Remember! Don't spit! Swall-" before he could finish, the door closed. You grabbed the keys of the counter and saw him in the garage looking at the ceiling. He had on a gray jacket, some black sweatpants, and some gray shoes.

"He gave me the key." You waved the key opening one of his many cars door. You got in and drove off.

-time skip-

You sat in the cart going down the aisle looking for different snacks. "Ew Thor. No one like those." You cringe looking at the twirlers making him roll his eyes.

"Out of all the snacks you people have on earth, these are the top ones." He threw them in the bucket making you gag.

"You just because less attractive." You joked as he smirked at you.

"So you think I'm attractive." He asked crossing his hands over his chest.

"Well I mean no duh. Even a blind man can see that." you responded honestly. That was one thing he liked about you. You weren't shy to speak your opinion.

"Hm. Interesting.." he nodded looking back at the candy as you squinted at him.


"Because I find you attractive.." he trailed off as you laughed.

"Yeah okay.." you laughed at him as he looked at you.
You saw he was completely serious. "Wait really?"

"What isn't there to like about you? Your smile brights up the room, your hair goes against the laws of gravity, your skin absorbs the sunlight and radiates it off, and you have a very nice ass." He winked at you making you bust out laughing.

"I mean I do try." You replied fake flipping your hair as he smiled.

"But seriously. You are a one of a kind women. None like the ones from Asgard or Midgard." He replied genuinely making you blush.

"Thank you Thor." You got out of the shopping cart walking towards him. You stood on your tippy toes placing a kiss on his cheek. You usually do this when you say your hellos or goodbyes but this time it was different.

He looked at you and smiled. "I will never get used to that."

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