Chapter 1

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A young lady was running through the streets, her face and body were now full of her own sweat, but she doesn't mind at all because she is freaking late!

Well, it wasn't really her fault that she forgot to set the alarm on exact 5 a.m because she was freaking exhausted last night due to her part-time job as a cleaning lady in a bar.

When she reached her destination she was panting hard and catching her own breath.

Then after a few seconds she straighten her back and check herself on the camera of her phone to check if she still look presentable.

After checking herself she walk towards the door and walk inside, she stilled when she came face to face of a woman who's glaring at her.

The woman in her late 40s glance at her wristwatch then back to her as she shook her head which made her gulp audibly.

I'm dead!


She stood there infront of her boss who was sitting in her chair while looking at her with death glares.

She couldn't look straight in her eyes. The woman sigh and lean her back on the chair.

" Y/n look at me. "

She said firmly making her do it quickly.

" Y-yes? " she asked, stuttering. The woman sigh again.

" I have no bad comments about your work performance. In fact, you are my most reliable and efficient employee but.. "

Her voice was somehow calm but it sounds dangerous.

" Your work is not enough for me to not fire you. You know what's the problem? You are always late. You always failed to come on time. I'm sorry but I have to fire you. "

Y/n's eyes widen.

" I-i am very sorry ma'am. I w-won't d— " she tried to explain herself but the woman cut her off.

" No need. I already got used to your promises, y/n-ah. You asked for my second chance many times and I always forgave you. But you always disappoint me and keeps on doing the same thing over and over again. "

The woman stand up from her chair and handed her a folder. She look at her in confused.

" M-ma'am? "

" That's your whole payment for this month. Thank you for your services but you can no longer work in my business. You're fired. "

She said in a cold tone and walk past her but before she could reached the door y/n beg her.

" P-please ma'am I need this job! Please... Just one more chance, please ma'am. I need this job badly. I need money... Please. "

She begged with all her heart while a tears are forming on her eyes. The woman turn around to look at her with pity on her eyes. The woman stare at her for a seconds before she sigh deeply.

" I'm so sorry y/n-ah. You are a good employee and I can see your determination and focus while working. But I can't tolerate your doing, business is business y/n-ah. And I won't let my business take risk just because one of my employees was not professional at all. "

She kneeled down and beg her while tears are streaming down her eyes.

" No.. Please ma'am.. I really really need this job. Please! "

" Y/n don't kneel, I'm no saint. And no, my decision won't change. It will be better if you will get out of my office now and don't ever comeback. "

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