Chapter 11 (J &T) ❤

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Jennie's small body is shaking in fear the whole time. She is inside her bedroom. The room where she got locked before.

She is living in hell again. She will experience again how cruel her father is.

It's been 3 days since her father forced her to come to England with him. She didn't dare to fight with her father especially now that she's pregnant.

She doesn't want anything to happen to her baby.

With a teary eyes. Jennie look around her room. She is hoping that she can escape but she found nothing.

A tear flow down in her eyes when she remember what she had overheard yesterday.

Her father is planning to abort her child. She knew this is his plan once he found out the truth but she won't let him hurt her baby.

Her father is too much. She could still remember how her father punished her. How he hurt her by his own hands. She experienced all of those by her own father.

Jennie snapped out of her thoughts when the door of her bedroom open.

" Ms. Jennie, it's time for your dinner. "

The maid said while carrying a tray with full of foods.

Jennie did not answer and just stare at the door who is now wide open.

The maid's back is facing her while she is busy placing the foods on her small table without looking at her.

Jennie glance at the maid then back to the door.

This is my chance!

She thought in her mind. Jennie bit her bottom lip as she slowly stood up and walk slowly towards the door without making a sound.

When she is now standing outside her door. She glance again at the maid who is talking without facing her.

Then Jennie slowly walk towards the hallway and when she made it at the stairs. She look at her right and left making sure that no one is around.

Then she slowly walk downstairs without making a sound.

When she is close to the door. She heard a voice of a man coming from the living room.

" Yes.......... Yeah don't worry I will handle it......... Yeah, thanks for your help. I am looking forward to meet you, Doctor. "

She heard her father's voice at the living room but Jennie didn't mind as she thought that this is her chance to escape while her father is busy on the phone.

Jennie was about to walk towards the door when she heard something from her father that made her stop in her tracks.

" She is not my daughter. So I wouldn't mind what you will do to her in order to get rid of her unborn baby. "

That words hit her so hard. It made her froze and stunned. Her eyes widen and her mouth hang open in shock.

So all this time, he is not her father? She live all her life with a man who she thoughts it's her father.

Now, her questions are now answered.

A question why he was being cruel to her. Why he is acting like he doesn't care for her. Why is he not doing the things like a father would do to his child? And why is he always treating her like she is not his daughter. Now she knows why.

Jennie's tears flow down in her eyes. Her heart shattered into pieces as she felt betrayed and deceived all of her life.

Jennie was lost in her thoughts when she felt a strong arm gripped her arm tightly making her grimace in pain.

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