Chapter 26

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Y/n and jungkook are now sitting infront of each other. She couldn't even speak, she's still in shock and confuse.

This is a dream, right?

She wanted to slap herself to wake up in her dream. But before she could she heard him talk after a long silence.

" I know you're shock for my sudden appearance. And about what happened, I'm sorry.. "

He said sincerely making her jaw drop in shock. Jungkook never apologize. Y/n blink a couple of times before she nodded.

" I-It's okay.. I understand and about the divorce papers.. "

She sigh before she continue.

" ... I will sign it if that is what really the best for us. I mean, you were right. Marriage is only for those people who love each other. We were forced to marry each other because of our baby. "

She look down.

" So.. Don't worry, I will sign it as soon as you'll give me the divorce papers. "

She said in a low voice. It's hurting her. She doesn't want to let him go, she doesn't want to give up this marriage because her heart said so. She have feelings for jungkook.

But she doesn't want to be selfish. Jungkook doesn't love her, she has to accept it. It will be unfair to jungkook if she's the only one who is happy in their marriage while he doesn't feel the same way.

This is the right thing to do.

" Are you sure you really want to divorce me? "

He said in a soft voice making her look up at him. She notice that his tone was sad and hurt.

But why?

She raised her eyebrow at him in confusion.

" B-but this is what you want, right? You said you wanted a divorce then I'll give it you. I respect your decision. This isn't want you want. You never wanted to marry me in the first place. I don't want to stay with someone who doesn't even want me. I know myself worth, jungkook. "

She stare into his eyes making her taken aback at what she saw. His eyes were filled with sadness.

She gulp before she continued.

" A-and don't worry about the baby. I can take care of him by myself. I'm not gonna be selfish to our baby, I'll make sure that he will know about his father. "

After a long silent jungkook finally spoke.

" How can you think that way, y/n-ah? "

He said in his hurtful voice making her stare at him in totally confuse.

" What do you mean? "

" You think this is what I want? You want my child to grow up without a father beside him? "

He shook his head while staring at her deeply.

" No, I won't let that happen. I'm not gonna leave my child. Your words are hurting me. You think I will not be a good father, y/n-ah? "

Y/n shook her head.

" No.. That's not what I meant, jungkook. You said it to yourself you wanted a divorce and I'll give it to you and when we get divorce it only means one thing, we will not stay in the same roof so I need to leave and have my own life. But that doesn't mean that I won't let you be a father to our child. Of course I want it. It's for our baby. "

She explained but he kept silent and stare at her like he's reading her. Y/n sigh before she spoke.

" I'm letting you divorce me because I respect your decision. I will wait for the divorce papers to come and I'll sign it as soon as I receive it. "

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