Chapter 17

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Y/n had a very exhausting day, she's been working all day, she was doing house chores. She even did the laundry.

I'm pregnant.. so it's normal if I get tired too fast.

Y/n sigh before she lay on her bed and close her eyes to sleep. It only took her a couple of minutes before she finally fall asleep.

Few hours later. Y/n woke up when she felt thirsty all of a sudden. She slowly stood up and went to the door and went outside. It's so dark so she couldn't see where she is going. 

Suddenly, her hearts starting to pound faster as fear filled her whole body. She had a phobia in darkness. She had a past, so just the thought of what happened in her past scares her.

She gulp hard before she tried to calm herself. She slowly walk around trying to find the switch when suddenly she heard a breaking glass causing her to flinch and got scared even more. 

Without thinking she ran without looking back when she hardly bump into someone causing her to lose her balance.

She gasp in shock and she was about to fall when a strong arms wrapped around her body, protecting her from falling on the floor. She then felt the person hug her tight.

" Aish! Why are you running?! "

She heard an angry voice. She knew that voice. Before she could react the light was already switched on. She look up and she saw her husband's handsome face. He had those angry yet worried expression on his face.

" J-jungkook-shi?? "

Jungkook gritted his teeth while he was still hugging her.

" I said why did you ran? You could have fall if I didn't catch you on time. "

He said in his angry tone. Y/n gulp before she pull herself out of his tight embrace. She then look down on her feet.

" I'm so sorry, jungkook-shi... "

Jungkook sigh in annoyance and clenched his jaw. 

" Aish! Will you stop being a clumpsy person, y/n-ah? You're pregnant and what if you fall? It could harm you and the baby. "

He scold her like a parent. Y/n put her hands on her belly and sigh.

He's right, if he didn't catch her on time something could have happen to the baby. And she will never forgive herself if that happens.

" I'm sorry, jungkook-shi.. I promise I won't do that again. "

She said while looking down on her feet. She heard him sigh.

" Look at me. "

He said in a serious tone. Without a second she quickly look up at him. She doesn't want to anger him more. He's scary when he's angry.

" Y-yes? "

She stuttered when she met those cold eyes of his.

" Why did you ran? "

Y/n blink a couple of times.

" B-because... I-it's dark.. and I got scared especially when I-I heard a broken glass. I got more scared. "

Jungkook eyes soften. He sigh and nodded.

" I dropped the glass that's why. And you don't need to be scared. If you're afraid of the dark then you should let the lights on. "

Y/n nodded then her eyes settled on the scattered glasses on the floor. Then her eyes is back on jungkook.

" You can go now, I will just clean it. "

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