Chapter 7

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Jungkook mouth hang open and his eyes widen in shock. Everything happened so fast. He tried to process things in his mind. He couldn't think straight.

" I'm pregnant and you're the father. "

Her words keeps on repeating on his head. He never expect that this will happened and reality hit him. He didn't used protection that night!

And now, he's having a baby to a stranger. He doesn't even know her, he only know her name and that's all.

He regret that he didn't used protection, this girl infront of him is carrying his child. Is she even a good woman? Will she be a good mother to his baby?

He should had been careful that night. Now he regret it.

" Please say something. "

She heard her soft-angelic voice. He look at her with his still shock expression.

" A-are you sure t-that's mine? "

He said in shock. Y/n nodded.

" Yes. I'm sure it's yours. "

He run his hands through his hair and took a deep breath.

Relax jungkook! Think! Think!

After a minute he finally calm down and told her to sit down. Y/n nodded and sat infront of him.

" I know y-you don't remember me b-but I am sure that this baby is y-yours. You were the only guy who... Uhm.. You know.. d-did that t-thing to me.. "

She said stuttering as she blush and look down. She couldn't say it straight. She is freaking embarrassed.

" Are you really sure that it's mine? I mean we only did it once that night at the club and- "

" W-wait.. Y-you remember? "

She said in shock and that's what he realized.


He look down and sigh.

" Please a-answer me.. D-do you remember it? "

He look up at her with his emotionless eyes.

" It's doesn't matter if I remember or not. "

He said coldly.

" I-it means.. Y-you lied to me when you said y-you don't know me? "

She said feeling hurt at the thought that the guy who took her virginity lied to her so he could just ran away from her.

Jungkook sigh.

" What if I lied? It doesn't matter. And beside.. it's just a one night stand. "

He said making her heart ache at the thought of that.

So it was just a one night stand for him?

" But.. It's not just a o-one night stand for me.. Y-you took my v-virginity. "

" I know you were a virgin because I saw the blood. But it doesn't matter. Like I told you, it's just a one night stand. "

Her heart shattered by his words. It's really painful to hear from the guy who took your virginty would tell you those hurtful words.

So it was nothing to him at all?

" It meant nothing to you? "

She said in pain. Jungkook sigh and rolled his eyes.

" Miss, I f*cked different women every night and of course it's my everyday routine to f*cked different women everyday. And it's just a plain sex and nothing more. "

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