Chapter 7 (J & T) ❤

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Jennie has been avoiding everyone for the past months. Even the Jeon's Family.

She felt guilty for making them worried especially Mrs. Jeon. But she doesn't want to be a burden to them.

So she avoided everyone but Jennie decided that she will meet up with the Jeon family for the last time before she will leave.

After their dinner. Jennie notice how Y/n stare at her. She knew that Y/n had a lot of question in her mind and she is also close to Y/n.

Jennie avoided her gaze and pretended that she was listening to Mrs. Jeon the whole time.

After their dinner, Jennie went to the guest room and ready herself to sleep when she felt thirsty.

She got up and walk downstairs. She then heard a footsteps walking downstairs. Then she saw Y/n walk inside the kitchen as she followed her behind.

" y/n? "

Y/n gasp as she got shock at the sudden voice.

" Oh my god! Jennie! You scared me. "

She said and put her hand on her chest. Jennie bit her bottom lip and apologize to her.

" Sorry.. I was about to get something to drink then I saw you walking down the stairs. "

Y/n just nodded and jennie went to get some water on the fridge.

As she was busy pouring a water on her glass she notice that y/n was staring at her.

She knew that she wanted to ask her something but she could tell the she is hesitating.

" Uhm... It's been 4 weeks since we last saw you. "

Y/n started to talk and jennie look at her and smile.

" Yeah... Sorry I was busy. "

Y/n just nodded as she drink her water.

" What were you doing these past few weeks? "

Y/n asked with hesitation. Jennie knew that's not her real question. But she still answer her calmly.

" Well, I was busy with work and I was too focus on my business. "

She lied. Of course she was busy; busy sleeping amd eating different foods all day and thinking on how to leave the country without anyone knowing it.

Y/n just nodded and bit her bottom lip. Jennie knew that y/m wanted to ask something else but is hesitating.

Jennie sigh as Y/n took a deep breath and stare at her again.

Before Y/n could ask she already speak.

" If you want to ask me something else, then feel free to ask. "

She saw Y/n froze as she drink her water again. She knew she cut her off guard.

" W-What?? "

Jennie sigh and glance at her.

" I know you are all worried about me. I'm sorry for making you all worried. But as you can see, I'm already old enough to take care of myself. And I know what I'm doing. "

Jennie said straightforward without thinking straight making y/n taken aback at her words.

" Jennie, we are just worried that's why we are trying to figure out what's going on to you. "

Jennie sigh and look at her straight in the eyes. She's starting to get irritated with no reason.

" With all due respect, y/n-ah. Don't involve yourself on my personal life. Like I said I can take care of myself, Okay? I don't need your help or anyone's help. Don't interfere on my personal life. Stay out of it. "

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