Chapter 36

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" I told you.. You should rest, you don't need to cook dinner for her and beside I told you I will order foods. "

Jungkook said in a protective tone while watching his wife who is placing a plates on the table.

" Jungkook it will be rude and disrespectful if I won't interact with jennie and besides, why would you order food if I can cook? It will be just a waste of money. "

Jungkook sigh deeply.

" Fine. But tell me if you're tired, okay? I don't want you to work too much. "

Y/n just nodded in return. Then they both heard a knock on the door.

Jungkook went to the door and there stood jennie with a smile.

" Hey, couz. "

She said cheerfully and hug him. Then she glare at him.

" Why did you changed your mind? I told you to come over at my place. "

" I can't leave my wife alone at home. "

" I thought you have a maid? "

" She'll arrive here tomorrow. "

" Oh, okay. So where's your wife? "

She asked while peeking at his back.

" She's in the kitchen.. "

He inform then she went inside as jungkook close the door.


" Wow.. Y/n-ah. You're really good at cooking. "

Jennie compliment while eating the food she prepared. Y/n just smile shyly in return.

" Thank you. "

She's still embarrassed at the fact that she got jealous at jungkook's cousin. Luckily, jennie have no idea at all.

" Anyway, Jennie. When are you going back to England? "

Jungkook asked and drank his wine. Jennie stop eating and bit her bottom lip.

" Well.. About that... Uhm... I don't know. I was planning to stay here for a couple of months. I just started my business and I was planning to enhance it.. I was also thinking to put a boutique here in Seoul and I wanted to stay here for a couple of months because I really miss tae-- I--I mean S-Somi... since I never bond with her since I left.. "

She said slowly and blink a couple of times. Y/n raised her eyebrow at jennie.

Did she just mentioned.. Taehyung?

Y/n can sense that there is something else that jennie want to talk about. But she could tell that she's hesitating.

Jungkook cleared his throat and got all serious.

" Are you sure that's the real reason? "

Jungkook said in a suspicious tone. Jennie look up to him and nodded with a reassuring smile.

" Of course. What else do you think the reason I'll stay here? You know somi and I are very close. "

She chuckled nervously and drink her wine.

" Or you just wanted to see taehyung. "

Jennie spit out the wine in her mouth due to shock at jungkook's words.

" Oh my god! I'm so sorry.. "

Jennie apologize in embarrassment to them while wiping her mouth with a handkerchief.

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