Chapter One

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I laid my head onto my pillow and tried to put my mind at ease, this was hard to do so because of my phone constantly buzzing on my end table. I knew it was Connor calling and I also knew that if I didnt pick up, the retaliation would be so much worse on my end.

I caved in to fear and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I asked and could hear his heavy breathing on the other end of the line.

"Babe, do not do this. I love you. Please open your door, I am waiting ourside." Connor said.

It sounded like he had been crying which I am sure he had. We had been together for almost 3 months but after those first month of sweet bliss, he turned into a complete monster. Believe me the first time he hit me, I forgave him but then it was continous if I did not agree with him. Half the time he would force to do the sexual things he wanted, and I fought back even have him his own busted lip a few times. Every time I tried to leave him he would threaten to take his own life and I would cave in and take him back.

It was a game he played and he knew how to play to well. "Fine." I said hastily and walked downstairs to open the door.

There he stood, I could see some sadness in his face but it was very suttle while the anger was more expressive.

He pushed passed me and quickley noticed that my cousin was not at home and he took that to his advantage.

"You," He siad while backing me up against the wall, "are never allowed to leave me, do you understand?" He asked as he wrapped his masculine hand around my throat and began to squeeze when I didnt answer.

"Yes." I coraked out and gasped for air as he let my throat go.

He stood there standing angry with his hands clenched into fists. My heart began to race in fear about what he might do next.

"Tell me you love me." He said sternly.
I rolled my eyes hoping the darkness wouldnt let him see, I was most certainly wrong. He grabbed me by the hair and flung back up against the wall.

"You do not give me attitude, I think someone wants a spanking." He said as I watched him walk over to me as I was laying on the ground ready to cover my face.

He forceably made me stand up by grabbing my throat and threw me to the couch.

I couldnt do this anymore, let this man touch me. So I kneed him as he began to straddle me. He doubled over in pain as I took that chance to run as fast as I could.

I opened the door but before I could run like hell, he grabbed me by the hair and flung my backwards, I hit my head on the table and could instanly feel blood trickling down my neck.


With that he grabbed me by the shirt and punched me, i quickley blocked his next hit and elbowed him in the jaw, then I ran like hell.

I ran and I did not stop running till I got about two blocks away from my house, I saw him get into his car and leave to try to find me but I hid behind some bushes and waitied.

I wasnt going back this time, I can not stand being abused like this. I deserved better.
Once I got up out of the bushes I began to walk back to my house in hops that my cousin Logan would have shown up by now.

But before that I heard some yell "WHo is there?"

Well fuck, I mentally thought to myself. Well thats what you get for hiding on someone elses lawn.
I turned around and could see a shawdowy figure standing a couple feet away from me. "Sorry, lost my phone." I said.

"On my propert? Yeah fucking right." He said coming up to a street lampost, as I was slowly beginning to see his features.

'Now tell me why your really here." He said.

Now I could see his full face, it was none other than Blane Green, the schools bad boy. Of fucking course.

Goddammit Lacy!

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