Chapter Twelve

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I decided to run to the vending machne to get a pop while Lacey was in the shower, knowing girls I knew that she would be in there a while.

I popped a dollar into the vending machine and retrieved my Coke, i cracked open the top and took a swig of it.

I walked back to the room and opened the door, there she sat on the floor brushing her hair in front of the long mirror hanging by the bathroom door.

She looked so breathtaking with no makeup on.

I shut the door behind me and she didnt even look my way, i began to walk closer to her to see that she had her earbuds in.

She was wearing a Blink 182 tee that was way oversized, but her long legs were exposed as she was sitting cross legged on the floor, the shirt rode up her thighs leaving my mind filled with imagiantion.


I got out of the shower and decided to listen to some music, i turned on MGk and began brushing my hair.

I half didnt notice Blane coming back into the room, but I was so into Glass House that I just ignored him.

I could see him out of the cornor of my eye, his eyes traing up my legs to where my oversized shirt stopped, I knew for sure that he was only imagining how I looked with it off.

I finished brushing my hair and got up, I gave him a small smile while i continued to listen to the song as I climbed into bed.

"Im gonna take a shower. Are you hungry? Wanna order pizza?" Blane asked.

"Oh my goodness yes." I replied as i got ahold of the telephone and dialed the nearest pizza parlor, I ordered one large cheese pizza and climbed back into bed, turning on the TV.

I was now watching ID, one of my facorite networks when Blane walked out of the bathroom in only a towel.

I watched him walk to his suitcase to pull out a pair of sweats, I watched the wings dance on his back with every step he took, and watched the wet droplets from his hair run down his chest, down to the towel soaking them up.

His curly hair still held a tremendous curl to it, he went into the bathroom once again and shut the door.

I tried to collect myself before he made yet another entrance.

He came out again in his sweats but no shirt, he took the towel to his head and rubbed it into his hair drying it a tad, pushing it back he threw the towel on the ground and walked over to the other side of the bed.

Can he just put a fucking shirt on please.

"When will the pizza be ready?" Blane asked.

"Uh- any minute now." I replied trying to act as if I wasnt totally thinking about him naked, in this bed, with a naked me.

He just smiled and laid his head onto the pillow, i turned my attention back on to the TV but I could feel his eyes sat on my face making me squirmish.

Why was he staring at me intently?

"What?' I asked him but still facing the TV, not wanting to look and meet his eyes, and wanting to feel his soft lips on mine.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Then quite staring at me weirdo." I said.

"I wasnt weirdo." He replied before the door held a knock to it.


I got up excitedly as I watched Blane carry the pizza to the bed.

we opened the box and dove in.

We didnt speak till after we were both stuffed with pizza.

"The cheesty crust is just so delicious." I confessed.

"Eh i know something that will be even more delicious." He replied.

"Yes ice cream with hersheys syrup." I said

"No." He stated as he moved the now empty pizza box off the bed.

"Then what?" i asked expecting him to tell me some type of food.

He walked over to the bed in silence, his eyes went complety dark.

"You." He said huskily.

What? I couldnt speak let alon move. I was still sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed.

"Cat got your tongue sweetheart?" He asked with that sexy smirk of his.

"Ive been told I am." I said back as I scooted to the edge of the bed to where he was standing.

Trying to keep my confidence in tact and my hormones under control, I sat at the edge of the bed.

"Oh really?" He asked moving closer to me.

"How about you come here and find out for yourself Wolfie." I said as I spread my legs apart just a little as i sat on the edge of the bed, telling him to come closer.

I could see his eyes go even darker as he moved close enough to where he stood above me.

He cupped my face into his hands pulling me to stand up before him. I bit my lower lip out of habit.

"Lacey." He growled.

"Do something about it bad boy." I replied letting my hormones fo into overdrive.

With that he threw me onto the bed and put himself in between my legs as i wrapped my legs arpund his torso.

He was now staring into my eyes with some unknown emotion as my fingers wrapped into his hair, I gently pulled.

"Fuck it." He said before his lips smashed into mine.

We were fighting for dominance but I ended up letting him have it, I didnt care, I just wanted him, all of him.

His lips went to my neck and grazed it softly, then he went back up to my lips while he continued to grind, making me moan, I could feel myself getting wet with feeling him between his seats and the thin fabric of my underwear.

He took his lips away from mine and stared into my eyes.

He put his head down and immediantly got up and grabbed his leather jacket.

"We fucking cant Lacey, put some god damn pants on." Blane said befor he opened he door and slammed it on his way out.

What the actual fuck just happened?

Not edited!!
But I hope you guys like it so far!
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