Chapter 37

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"Dont fucking touch me." I said as i swatted his hand away.

"Babe stop." Blane said.

"Thank you Christain." I replied as I made my way to the apartment and could feel Blanes prescense following me.

I opened the apartment door and tried to slam it shut before Blane could come in but I was to slow.

"Leave me alone." I said.

"Babe it wasnt what you thought." He said.

"Wasnt what I thought? I am pretty sure you just said I was a nobody to you and that you were making out with the whore all night! How can you say you love me when you tell me to my face in front of someone else that im nobody to you?! What me wanting to wait to fuck you is so bad for you that you just had to go get it yourself?! Am I really not that good enough for you that you cant wait for me to be ready, is that really all you want? To fuck?"

"Lacey no! Thats not- No thats not it!"

"Cause if you want to fuck Blane then lets do it and get it over with. " I started to take off my shrots and I shimmied out of them.

"What are you waiting for fuck boy? Is this slutty enough for you? Is this what you want from me?!"



"LACEY! Put your pants back on. That not what I want from you, I do love you! Just let me explain!"

"FUCK OFF! aparently its all you want because as soon as I told you that I wanted to wait I catch you making out with some whore who you knew was easy to get into bed with! You dont love me."

"Thats not true!"

"Well i guess it makes us even then because I HATE YOU! You got my bestfirend killed! The one other person that I loved besides my cousin, the one person who respected me and loved me for who I was! You on the other hand are just a waist of space in my brain!"

"You dont hate me Lacey. You are drunk and-"

"NO I HATE YOU BLANE! I dont under stand what I ever saw in you!" I yelled as i felt tears streaming down my face, I was to angry to wipe them away. I stood there letting him see me at my most vulnerable, my most weak, crying there in my bra and underwear.

"Lacey." He said in a soft tune as he moved toward me and lifted his hand up to wipe a tear from my face but I slapped him. I slapped him hard to that he was holding onto his face.


Blane stood there, I could see the tears in his eyes threatening to form.

"You dont hate me Lacey, You love me." He said.


"LET ME FINISH! You love me and I love you! If you would just let me explain why I did what I did you would understand! I did it for you! Because I love you! You know I wouldnt ever intentionally hurt you! I am madly in love with you."

"CAN IT BLANE! I hate you, if you loved me you wouldnt have done what you did. No excuse you can come up with will fix what you did. I hate you."

'Babe n-"

I got up into his face "You do not call me babe, I am no longer some toy for you to mess with, i am no longer yours. No get the fuck out! I hate you!!" I yelled as i pushed him.

When I realized how good that felt I kept yelling "I HATE YOU" to blane and pushing him till I pushed him into the door.

I looked at his beautful blue eyes and could see nothing but pain and anger in his face, he quickley concealed his pain and let his eyes go back to ice cold showing no emotion, but i could see the tear that he tried so hard not to let fall dance down his face.

Out of habit I reached up and wiped it from his face, I looked back into his eyes and could feel nothing but pain. I dropped my hand from his face and took a few steps back.

"Get out Blane."

"Lace-" Blane said as he outsretched his hand towards me, I stepped a few more steps back wards.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

Blane opened the door and walked out without even looking back. I walked up to the door and place my hand on it, turned around and slid down to the floor and let all my tears fall.

I sat there in a ball cryingmy heart out.

How could he do this? He did not love me. He lied, that all he does is lie! How could I be so stupid?!

I grabbed my hair and screamed into the ball that I had been sitting in.

I sat there till I couldnt cry anymore.

I slowly got up and walked to our room, I got into bed and was engulfed with Blanes smell. I covered myself up with our blanket and grabbed the pillow he slept on and held onto it for dear life.

What explanation is good enough to excuse what he did? He said I was no one. How was that love?


Lacey wouldnt stop pushing me and screaming "I HATE YOU" into my face.

My heart was breaking into a million pieces right now. I let her push me till i was pushed into the door, I deserved it.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall but I quicley concealed my emotions so she couldnt see how much this was hurting me. She wouldnt let me explain!

She reached out her hand and wiped away a tear that I didnt know had fallen, I tried to reach for her but she told me to leave.

So I did, I walked out the door and that when I let myself fall apart.

She closed the door and i placed my hand on the door and then my forehead as i could hear her cry.

I hated this. All I wanted to do was hold onto her and kiss her pain away. I knew she was angry at me, and at Jack dying. She was filled with anger and I just made her explode in it.

I heard her scream and continue to cry, thats when I couldnt take another minute of it. I walked down the steps and punched a hole into a wall, yelling in anger.

Christain eyed me from the bar giving me a questionable look, luckily the bar had closed down by now.

"Lacey." I replied.

"Come here bro. Give me your hand"

I sat down on one of the bar stools and gave him my hand to bandage, by now my knuckles were red with blood.

"Thanx bro."

He gave an assuring nod and left me there alone with my pain and my thoughts.

I grabbe a bottle of whiskey and sat behind the bar, drinking my pain away.

A few hours later I was way past drunk.

I walked outside to see Marie standing there smoking a cigarette.

"Hey bad boy! Wanna walk me ome?"

"Yeah sure." I replied as I drunkily wrapped my arm around her waist and walked with her.

Bad Idea.

A few minuets go by and my drunk ass was laughing at a stupid joke she said when a black van pulled up and put a black hood over my face.

I tried hard to fight whoever it was off, but I was to drunk and weak to try.

I felt them throw me into the van and drive off.


I sat there trying to drunkinly get my hands out of the zip ties they were in.

But I gave up, I let myself flopw down onto the hard floor I was on in the back of the van and let myself fall asleep.

"Im sorry baby."Was the last thing I said aloud before passing out.

I didn't have time to edit this chapter!
But good you guys enjoy!!

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