Chapter 21

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I rubbed my eyes as they started to adjust from the sunlight coming into the room between the curtains.
I felt a hand on my chest, I looked down to see Lacey peacefully asleep in my arms. I pushed some of her hair back behind her head and admired her beauty.

She was so beautiful. I can't believe she had to experience what she experienced yesterday. I can't even begin to understand what it's like for her, what's going on in her head. His men are after her now, her father is wanting her back. Should I tell her who her father is now? Since I now know he is the one who is causing all this chaos?


I needed to call Logan and tell him that his men are coming for her specifically.

I slowly got out of bed, being careful not to wake her, and walked out of the room into the kitchen.

"Talk to me."

"The men that ambushed yesterday, were his men. He is looking for her Logan and he wants her to come back home."

"That is not going to happen. I took her from her father for a reason. Her father only wants her now because she's 18. We can not let him get her."

"I know. Why does he want her now all of a sudden? Why is he causing so much shit?"

"Because he wants her to be the queen now, it's her turn. Her father wants her to marry Jack to combine the two most powerful gangs in Oklahoma."

"Well fuck."

"Yeah. When my mom told me that my aunt died, days I looked for Lacey and found her little 6 year old self in a cell, she had been beaten. She was terrified. So I told her that her father was dead. It's all a royal gang heirarchy bullshit."

"But why her?"

"Because Jack wants her, which her father will happily give away the keys to to the city to him and her."

"What do we do? We can't stay here."

"I know. I'm on my way to the house now. I have a gift for Lacey, they are plane tickets to Alaska."

"She will love that."

"I'll be there in thirty minuets Wolfie."

"See you then."

I hung up and began cooking some bacon. Why the fuck does this have to be happening? Seriously Jack wants to marry Lace? Bullshit, he will  marry her and then throw her in a cell to rot once he has the keys to the city. That is why I fucking hated Jack having his hands on her, I always knew he wasn't one of us.

"Mmm something smells good, did you cook Blane?" I heard Lacey ask in her sleepy voice.

I turned around to see her in a shirt and sweats, with her hair all over the place. She looked so fucking cute.

"Just some bacon and eggs, nothing to big." I replied giving a smile.

"Well it smells delicious." She said as she laid her head on her hand.

"Yo yo yo!! What's up fam?!" I heard Logan hell.

""LOGAN!!" Lacey yelled with a huge smile plastered on her face, god she was beautiful.


"LOGAN!!" I yelled as I let a big smile come to my face.

I ran through the kitchen and jumped into his arms.

"Hey lil cuz." He said before he sat me down.

"Hey assface." I said with a smile. "I've missed you."

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