Chapter 27

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"No!" I yelled.

"Get the bikes now!!!" I yelled at Christian.

I took out my phone and snapped pictures of the license plate before getting on my bike.

I called my buddy at the police station and had him run the plate.

Me and Christian sped off after her.

I can't freaking loose her.


I started to open my eyes as I began to stretch out my body.

Silk sheets? What?

As I woke and began to take in my surroundings my mouth gaped open.

I was in a ginormous bed, fitted with pastel pink silk sheets, with a pastel pink comforter that was heavy but light.

I looked down at my body to find myself in a silk pink pajama set.

That asshole dressed me?!!!

The bed was under a canopy, as I hopped out of bed my feet met the feeling of the cold stone floor.

This room was huge.

There was a vanity with a white fluffy chair sitting under the table, waiting to be sat in. The vanity was black with a mirror geeked with lights.

I walked over to it to see makeup of all kinds all organized by the type of product it was, next to it was a tray of jewelry.

There was a necklace that had to have costed a fortune, filled with diamonds. I let my fingers run over the diamond jewels only guessing how heavy it would be to wear.

I looked to my left to see a set of doubled doors, I went to open them to find a huge walk-in closet with tons of gorgeous gowns, that looked like they were meant for royals.

I walked down the hanged gowns and drug my hand across each of them as I stood in front of the very organized shoe dresser.

Multiple pairs of designer heels organized by colors, then at the very bottom my converse that I always wore.

I walked out of the closet and went to the second door I saw, only to find a maid outside about to knock.

"Here you go miss. Breakfast. We're you wanting to eat with the soon to be king?"

I looked at her shocked, not understanding what she meant.

Where the fuck was I?

"Miss?" The maid asked.

"Uh yes I would like to eat with him."

"Okay. I will sit you up a place at the table and Connie will be up here with your breakfast gown sent to you from the soon to be king."

I nodded and shut the door and went to sit on the white fluffy chair.

Soon to be king? Where was I? France in the 1500's? What did I time travel or something?? Am I dreaming?

I pinched myself and immediately said ow.

Nope. For sure not dreaming.

A soft knock snapped me from my thoughts.

"Come in." I replied.

Another servant walked into my room with a lavender gown that flowed freely at the bottom.

"From the soon to be king miss. He is expecting you downstairs in 10 min. Do you need help with your hair?"

"Yes that would be nice." I replied with a smile as I fingered my hair.

My hair was a mess. I had no idea what type of hairstyle was presentable at breakfast as elegant as this dress said it might be.

I slipped into the dress as Connie pinned my hair up in a simple braided bun.

I gave her a thank you smile as she guided me down the stairs to a huge dining room hall.

As I sat down, I looked across the table to see that I was the only one here.

"Well Goodmorning my beautiful soon to be queen."

"Jack." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Queen? You are kidding right?"

"Nope in two days, me and you will be king and queen of the city my love." Jack said as he sat as his end of the table.

What the hell was he talking about??

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