Chapter 53

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I ran out the door and put Blanes keys in the car and took off. I drove as far as I could till I needed gas.

I payed at the pump and took out the London business card we found in Alaska and called the number.

"Hello?" A male voice asked.

"This is the Luna." I said remembering why the men called me.

"Oh yes ma'am I will transfer you."

"Thank you." I replied.

"Hello?" Another male voice asked.

"This is Lacey. Lacey Rene, the girl your men keep calling Luna. Here is the stitch. I will not be coming to London. I've made my decision. I want your gang to join with my fathers, here in oklahoma. You can have some the men in London stay there but we need extra bodies, but make sure that the men that stay in London are under my command. We can set up a meeting and I can make a second in command for London and here in Oklahoma. Got it?" I asked.

"Yes Luna. When would you like to meet?" The man asked.

"Two days from now. I'll send you an address in 24 hours." I said and hung up.

I knew where I was going when I got back behind the wheel, I just wasn't sure how I'd be accepted as I would walk into my fathers estate. Thanx to Aaron he was able to send me the location of my fathers housing and gang housing locations, etc.

I just needed to leave the old Lacey Rene behind. I needed to truly become the Queen of my fathers gang. I needed to truly fit the role.

And right now with my anger and resentment about my cousins death, I think I'd fit that role just fine.


I rolled over to feel the empty space in the bed where Lacey should've been laying.

I got up and stretched sleepily thinking that she might be in the kitchen.

The ripper is dead.

I remembered the phone call she got it and the memories of last night.

I just I don't believe it. I don't believe that Logan is dead, it had to be a set up to get her to choose a gang.

It just had to be.

"Babe?" I asked walking down the hallway.

No answer.

I went into the living room to see clothes flung everywhere and her phone on the arm chair.

"No." I said to myself.

Then someone knocked at the door. I ran to open it to see Christain.

"She's gone." I said to him.

"I know." Christian said handing me the phone.

It was a text saying a meeting was going to happen two days from now and a location would be sent out in 24 hours, it was signed your Queen.

"How much you wanna bet she's joining the London gang and ours along with her fathers." Christain said walking into the house.

"She can't." I said trying to find a shirt.

"Oh but she can. Logan's dead. Word is around. Lacey is basically next in line for this gang, but that's after someone else falls from the chair." Christain said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You. You are in charge of this gang now Blane. Logan left it to you." He explained.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I said.

Christain shook his head.

"What are we going to do about Lacey? How do we get her back from all this?" I asked.

"Blane. She made her choice, she's stuck with it until she's either shot down or dies. You know how this world works."

"So you are telling me if our men don't add to theirs I'll basically be going head to head with the one girl I'm madly in love with. I'll be fighting my girlfriend who's the queen of two fucking gangs." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Yes." Christain said.

"Well maybe we do join forces. Help her take down Logan's killers and then she will want to step down. I know her, I know this isn't what she wants. She's angry right now." I said.

"She might be angry but she's serious. She's already made contact with London. She isn't backing down anytime soon Blane." Christain said.

"Do you really think our guys would want to follow her?" I asked grabbing the keys to the Harley.

"They would follow Lacey because she's a legacy by blood. But I doubt they would join with her fathers men, let alone strangers. You know how many fights would happen inside between our men and hers?" He asked.

"I guess we will put it to a vote. Maybe we could just join in the help of tracking Logan's killers down but not actually join her gang. I know if I got her alone she would listen to me." I said.

"Vote sounds good. But Blane Aaron's met with her, she's far from normal Lacey. Normal Lacey would have left you a note saying she's sorry but she has to do this. She's not Lacey anymore." Christain said.

"I don't believe that. When she's angry like this she doesn't give a fuck about anything, I'm usually the only one who can calm her down. I don't think logan is dead." I said walking out the door.

"I don't know Blane, Aaron is even taken aback with her and he has known her for a long time. He couldn't even talk sense into her. But I don't think he's dead either, we need to find him and restore peace."

"We need to get Lacey back." I said hopping onto the bike and starting the engine.

Christain shook his head as he followed in pursuit.

Man it felt so nice to be able to ride again, I finally was able to get off my crutches. I was good as new now, and I felt free riding on my bike again. The only thing missing was my girl with her arms around my chest.

What am I going to do? Will she even blink if she saw me walk into that meeting? She just up and left, she up and left me without an explanation or any goodbye. It's like she left and didn't even give a fuck about me anymore. But I wasn't about to let that happen. I wasn't about to let Lacey forget about me, and I wasn't about to let her go or let herself go. I was going to get my Lacey back even if it did mean our gangs clashing. I had to do what was best for this gang but we also needed Lacey back.

Not edited!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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